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Posts posted by Jo3l

  1. if you want something to chase people away get a wolf chiclid although you may have to upgrade your tank eventually IMO they will bite at anything

    but if you have your heart set on piranha i have a couple reds about 4 inches i am willing to sell you for cheap if you are around the edmonton area.


  2. may i ask where you bought him? he is amazing! i have been looking for some quality blue's in edmonton for some time

    i recently saw them in at pj's at west edmonton mall but wasnt going to fork over the money after noticing that they have some major ick and fin rot prob's in most of their systems.

  3. hi, i am taking 2 6-7 inch rbp's from a friend and i was wondering if there were any specifications i should worry about in terms of water perameters and if they are sesitive to different substraits or not. I have a 50 gallon tank that i plan on filling with a sand/small gravel mix, and also i am using only drift wood, no plants for now. Will this suit the 2 well??

    also how do i got about softening the water in my tank without using commercial aquarium softener? can i use just regular water softener for like around the house??

    i read someware on this forum that you can use peat moss in your filter to bring the gh down a bit, is this true?

    appreciate all relpies and will be posting pic's next monday when they are settled in

  4. does anyone know of a place in west edmonton that sells regular river gravel? i am setting up a new tank and am trrying to keep it as natural as possible, and not looking to spend 5 dollars on a tiny 2.5 pound bag of rock that i think i could probubly get ahold of at some kind of landscaping store for next to nothing.


  5. i have been running a 30 gal for the past month with no problems. only stocked with a couple juvinile yellow labs, and some pictus cats and a pleco, but in the past week or so i have lost 2 of my 3 pictus catz, and my third looks pretty sick, his color is extremly pale, and i am starting to notice on one of my cichlids there is a rash of some kind. it looks similar to peeling skin? i am baffled to what this is that is picking off my fish and wondering if anyone has any suggestions. :cry:

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