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Everything posted by Charles

  1. Marble motoro 2m/2f L46 zebra, L129 columbian zebra, cory tank L330 - watermelon - 6"-9" This one is a monster. Looks small in the photo but it is 9" long. From the belly to the top of the back is 3" in height. A different one in the tank, this one is about 8" L129 - columbian zebra - 2"-3" L200 - green phantom - 5"-6" L90 - papa - 4"+ L46 - zebra - 3" Corydora fowleri - 3" Corydora septentrionalis - 1.5"-2" Lastly one of the 4 marble motoro stingray - 7.5" disc
  2. L190 pleco with the L199 - I love this photo. It gives you the size different of how big my L190 is. The L199 is about 3". L330 watermelon - this one has the least spot. L142 - big white spot Lastly, a photo of the 7" tigrinus. It is so hard to take a photo of this guy. Never comes out with light. Always hiding at the back of the tank.
  3. Nannobrycon eques - mid-water schooling fish. I have around 180 of them in my 125. They will school together like a line from one end of the tank to the other. Quite unique. Some has a small red batch on the bottom half of the tail. Nannostomus sp. red pencil - other trade name of them = coral red pencil. The males are really red. I have 1 male here is so red that you won't even see the black stripes. Corydoras algodon - big... around 2", quite unique pattern on them. Corydoras fowleri - a bit smaller than the algodon. Same kind of pattern. I can't tell the differences. Perhaps the different color of the shape of the body. Corydoras skunk Corydoras agassizii Corydoras reticulatus Marble hatchet - I have 150 of these with the eques and corydoras skunt and agassizii in my 125 gallon tank. They occupy the top of the tank, the eques are in the middle, and the corydoras on the bottom. It is quite a good combo. Peacock bass - tucunare
  4. None of these photos are taken with flash. They are shot with only the aquarium light on. L239 blue panaque L330 full spotted watermelon panaque L200a green phantom - high fin variant. L244 pseudolithoxus dumus - finally a photo of this guy. Extremnely shy. L199 hyprancistrus furunculus - they are exactly how they look like in person. L152 pinapple - close up photo L190 red eye royal - close up photo
  5. not legally sure... It is still in the banned list; all the hyprancistrus from Brazil along with panaques and some scarlet type...
  6. yes. I have 3. But the smallest one is being bullied like there is no tomorrow. I am hoping it will survive since I moved it away by itself.
  7. Kyle: I waited to see the update on them... Please remember me when you get pups
  8. Marble motoro male Marble motoro female Tigrinus catfish - about 7" Red wolf fish - they are 4" now and fat eating too much pellets. I did not use flash. As you can see the silicon at the back, I did not enchance any red color at all. The color of this red wolf fish is just like the photo. L128 Blue phantom - full size at 5"+ maybe 6"... spotted all through to the tail. L52 Butterful - 6" adult fish, the way it changes color and pattern is amazing. Sometimes it is all dark brown, sometimes it is dark brown stripes with almost white body... L52 Butterfly side fin... L190 Red eye royal...
  9. actually, I believe you are wrong on the second one. The actual fish has side fin upward like a hatchet fish. I don't think the photo showed it well. and to make ID-ing more fun, the fish I labeled as L191, some thinks that it can very well be L418...
  10. That is why I turn to experts here so that I can find out what they are. I would not mind getting more of those as they look very pretty and different. You should have mentioned earlier that you wanted an experts opinion ---- The first one looks like Hemigrammus armstrongi and the second one is a young Hyphessobrycon metae I think you are right on the first one. is there a common trade name for that? I am not sure about the second one though. It swims, acts like a hatchet but the appearance of the belly doesn;t look like one.
  11. That is why I turn to experts here so that I can find out what they are. I would not mind getting more of those as they look very pretty and different.
  12. First - a few tag along fish... If you can ID them for me, great I got one of each of the following... Blackwing hatchet - I have a group of 15 of these guys. L190 - red eye royal - the flash kind of wash out the color... L191 - dull eye royal L235 - flyer cat - real low to the gound. Check out the hair on this one... L330 - watermelon
  13. a third, it is more like 1/5. He has so many fish and tanks. Just about every room in his huge house, he has at least a 180 in there. And he already have 2 6 footer + a tub in his garage and he is building more. His fish is very lucky. For example, an aba aba 22" long knife fish gets a 6 foot tank all by itself. Catfish will get their own tank... Going to his house is like walking into an exotic fish store.
  14. He is a hobbyist in BC. Just about every room has a 6 foot tank.
  15. Here is a few photos of his collection. Although I should take more photos of his other fish, but I was really in a hurry so I can only snap a few shots. He is also known to build some of the most amazing stands. His idea of how to build a sump was excellent and I can't wait to start mine using his idea... I will hopefully have time to follow up with photos of some of his designs for his stands and sumps. Perrunichthys perruno catfish. This catfish broke one of my filter before it went to Richard's place. Photo doesn't show the pattern well. Thai silk flowerhorn. Amazing color. It is nice to see how they are doing. African arawanna. Can't take a clear photo of it swimming. So this laying down photo will do. It is very active. Flagtail. He has 3 and they are also schooling with a group of his red hook silver dollars. Lastly, Aussie lungfish from Theo. There are a lot other fish I would like to photo. For example, his tiger knife fish, jaguar catfish, niger cat, giraffe cat, lots of bichirs, and the rest of his plecos. Enjoy...
  16. they are a new shipment from Africa. I did not go there and collect them myself. I wish I can though
  17. Puffer - Mbu Puffer - Congo Mokelebembe - some reason, this little guy is super hard to get a clear photo. Nigerian senegalus Koliba - Monster size... something like 17" or so... Zebra Upside down cat And a couple photos of some angels...
  18. Marble motoro The back side of the darker one. L152 pinapple pleco - full body shot Another photo of the hard-to-get-a-pic-of Bottlenose catfish.
  19. nothing fancy. Just room light off and shop light on top.
  20. The only small things that is so far safe with it is small motoro. I have some small motoro 4-5" in diameter and so far, the gulper shows no interest at them. In fact, the gulper actually hides from them.
  21. L128 Blue phantom - just flash, no add on light. They are really this blue in person. L152 Pinapple - This is what some people called ghost pleco. They swim like a ghost floating along. No big moment at all. Sometimes, you can see it just float up from the bottom of the tank. Not many pleco behaves this way. Well, they are named pinapple cause they do look like pinapple with the spikes of scales. It is very hard to get a photo of them as they are very light sensitative. The tank light was off. I put the flash on top. Wait till half of its body comes out and quickly snap a few shots hoping to get one in somewhat focus. L200 Green phantom - same family as the blue phantom but a total different color morph. Picture said it all. Last, finally got a photo of the bottlenose catfish. They are the one that looks like a hammarhead shark when they grow bigger.
  22. i found them to be less active than the flowers I have. The flowers are always swimming around looking for food. These marble tends to swim only when hungry or bugging the few catfish I got in there. Then any fast movement outside of the tanks, they will cover themselves with sand...
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