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Posts posted by syno321

  1. I use the inverted 2 liter pop bottle method and add 1/2 tsp. baking soda, 1/2 tsp. epsom salts and 1 tbsp. pickling salt for my best hatching results. I have found that adding the bicarb and epsom salts really prolongs the survivability of the nauplii in the hatching container, allowing harvesting up to 48 hours post set-up. Microworms is also a great alternative to bbs. that is easy to culture and feed.

  2. If it's angular, and I assume sharp, you don't want to be using it with any species that will root through or on the bottom like Corydoras, Eartheaters, Africans that dig ( come to think of it, don't they all? ) etc., or species that will live in the gravel like Horse-face Loaches, African or Asian Eels, etc.

  3. Live foods are not necessary, but if want to feed larger live foods not capable of introducing pathogens you can try some of the insect foods intended for reptiles, like crickets, superworms (large mealworms), etc. Another way to increase the protein and overall nutrition to your prospective breeders is to feed thawed frozen krill.

  4. That really depends on the kind of killi you have. For most killies it won't be a problem. As long as it's not one of the larger, possibly predatory, species of killi. Tateurndina ocellicauda is a freshwater species, although some salt in their water probably won't hurt them, I'm not sure about brackish.

  5. Bettas seem to like to breed when the pressure's dropping. I was even going to buy a barometer,lol. Just was wondering if anybody else has experience with this??

    I don't know about bettas, but Hoplias malabaricus, a large predatory fish from S.A., certainly gets very agitated during the full moon. This condition arises only during the full moon, when the species becomes very agitated the night of the full moon, to the point that they are very aggressive and prowl the depths looking for other aquatic creatures to bite. They have also been recorded underwater making what can best be described as a "howling" noise. Certainly unique behaviour, but expected, especially since the common name for the Holpias is ..... ?

  6. thanks, that helped alot.. i currently have 3 300w heaters.. so i think i might stick with them.. the only problem is, i will no longer have a sump to hide all this gear in. Does anyone know if you can put a heater INTO a FX5?

    I think you can. If you take the FX5 out to dinner... a little wine... sweet talk... eh voila! :shifty:

  7. don't know the fish industry (in Canada) Very true. I've been involved breeding and selling fish to almost every store in the 3 major cities of Alberta for the last 30 years and have seen many successful and unsuccessful stores through their life as a business. This store was absolutely the worst. Poor quality livestock, drygoods and a total absence of any people (therefore customer) skills would definitely put any business of any kind out of business very quickly. I'm surprised that they lasted as long as they did.

  8. It's easier than the mattenfilter, and easier to clean.

    Actually I've run BOTH powerhead + sponge, and the mattenfilter, and the mattenfilter is far easier to clean. It never has to be removed from the tank to clean, can use existing air or hang-on-the-back power filters to power it, especially for the smaller tanks you're talking about, and provides larger surface area for bacteria to live. If you use your existing power filters to power it there won't be any interuption in your nitrogen cycle while waiting for a new filter to cycle.

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