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Posts posted by syno321

  1. Good discussion. A point to remember is that there are organizations out there that would like nothing better than to ban all pets from human possession. Feasible or not it, it might be wise for the industry as a whole to consider regulating itself in whatever way that means, before the ill-informed politicians and these zealous organizations stumble into the scene with their misguided influence. This scenario is already playing itself out in other jurisdictions in Europe and North America.

  2. To add to that NO species of snakehead would survive prairie waters. Native species from the USA can't survive in our prairie waters. This whole snakehead phobia is a media-hyped hysteria gone amok. Proof once again that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

  3. IME the majority of fish are definitely more at ease over a dark bottom. A bright bottom is not natural to them and so they don't display their most definitive colors, and the rebounding light off the bottom will wash them out to a certain extent. Certainly the mixed tans of the "natural" gravel are better than a stark white, with darker colored bottom layers even better.

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