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Posts posted by syno321

  1. It has been my experience with the deep water splendida that the dominant male will "prevent" the other males in the same tank to not grow as deep a body. After I gave some their own tank and playmates, they have become more masculine and have started fill out very nicely.


    Yes I noticed that also with the 3 pairs that I got from you last year. I was getting quite disappointed in them and you, :) until I separated them!

    That can happen once in a while with other species and often with two pairs if they are not matched equally. One male will over dominate. My first group of 4 males, that I got of the Lake Aytinjo boesemani did that and I really got upset.... for months! The other 3 males back half were almost white! Moved the dominant male out and they all started to come around ... then 2 went white. Moved out the second dominant male and the other two came around. Watched this for about 6 months. Keep this in mind if you feel your group of males aren't looking as good as they should!

    This type of pecking order dominance happens with all types of fish including cichlids and catfish. Did I just mention those families of fish in this thread? :smokey:

  2. I guess I should step in here and admit ( it's difficult for a catfish afishionado) that I too have bred, and am breeding rainbows. The first time I ever saw any was in 1978, in a stream on Fraser Island. I helped collect them at night ( very easy compared to trying to collect during the day) so they were in their pale night clouration. Didn't leave much of an impression on me at the time. Then after reviving my hobby, in 1989, through the North American Breeders Guild, I acquired some Popondetta (Pseudomugil) furcata. These were a joy to have and breed! My next rainbow was some Pseudomugil gertrudae in 1998. Again, a glorious dwarf rainbow that gave me much pleasure to watch and breed. This variety had golden yellow pectoral and ventral fins that bred true. Enough of ancient history. I was always impressed with what I think are Melanotaenia splendida australe, the species that you see being sold in many of the LFS today as M. macullochi. When they first hit the LFS they were sold as 8-lined Rainbows. I'm still not 100% sure of their ID but was always impressed with them. In 2000 I gave them a try and was very satisfied with them as a species. Recently when Gary Lange came to Edmonton to spread the rainbowfish message, I acquired some young Chilatherina alleni "Siriwo". Impressive fish that were a breeze to breed, especially since they didn't touch the young that hatched in their tank. It was just a matter of catching out the young and raising them in another tank. Today, I'm working with Melanotaenia macullochi " Skull Creek" and Melanotaenia bosemani "Lake Aytinjo", both very spectacular species in their own rights. I do have some of the M. bosemani "Lake Aytinjo" pairs available now that are sexable and about 2" TL. (Oops, was that a selfish plug) :hey: When I have more room I'm looking forward to working with other species of rainbows. I'm constantly inundated with the gospel of rainbows by the most persistant rainbowfish promoter :bow: to the south of us in Edmonton, but I am not yet breaking down to the point where I get rid of all of my other fish to exclusively work with rainbows.....not yet? :huh:

  3. Got some cories, cherry barbs, some mags and books and some plants. Had a good time at the auction-I always do.

    Thanks again to the people who work so hard to put on the auction. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

    The drive home was a nightmare the Yellowhead was very very slippery and we saw two accidents and a few cars in the ditch before the turn off to Hwy 43. One involving a semi who clipped a jeep and hit the ditch and just about came out on our side of the divided hwy. Lucky for us as we travelled the roads got a little better.

    Syno321- is the club thinking of moving the auction date because of the other conference you are hosting? Just so you know February is not a good travel month for me ;) the roads are bad. But hey there is always the conference.

    Glad you made it back safely! And yes, the reason we're having it in February is because of the CAOAC convention we're holding here in Edmonton on the May long weekend. We're going to have some international guest speakers, banquet, a fish show, and of course, an auction.

  4. I was aiming to try and take home all the Corys, but my money cap restricted me, hubby gave me a 125 dollar limit, but I did manage to snag 4 schultzeis, 3 duplicarious, 6 panduro, a tank stand, a nice piece of driftwood and a pleco cave for about 120, so all in all great deals especially since the livestock would normally be found at 20-35 a fish at a lfs, got to put some faces to some of the names on here, and felt a bit famous LOL

    You sure you shouldn't consider come out of the catfish closet and change your AA handle to something like....SuperCoryGirl?

  5. Yes. Bioload can be also be large fish population, which I am guilty of in many of my tanks. If you change water faithfully, at least 25% per week, you shouldn't have any problems. Another consideration is if you have fish that thrive in hard water and use any part rainwater to do your changes, you should add elements to compensate for the soft water and bring it up to higher hardness and pH, like salt, epsom salt, sodium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate.

  6. In simple terms, pH crashes when the organic load of the tank is so much as to overcome the buffering capacity ( or the capacity of the water to neutralize the acids produced from fish waste, plant decomposition, etc. ) of the water. Typically most gravel sold for aquarium is not inert and so it releases trace amounts of minerals into the water over time. This helps keep up buffering levels of the water. Bare-bottom tanks don't have the safety net of the gravel and so are typically more prone to pH crashes. I hope this helps.

  7. I bring mine in from rainwater collectors and use a magnum w/ activated charcoal to polish it. I've been doing this for 2 years now, usually cutting it 50/50 with tap water. I use mostly bare tanks, so, if I don't cut it, pH crashes are far more likely. I do use it pure for fish that require extremely soft water, I just have to stay on top of the pH monitoring.

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