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Everything posted by humpty

  1. other then the eye the fish seems completely normal, nor stress bars no wierd coloring and it is swimming around and eating just fine. He still comes out and swims right at the front of the glass. All of the other fish are fine as well.
  2. I just noticed today that one of my discus' has a white bump on the outside of his eye a little above the middle, and the top half of his eye appeared cloudy. This was not like this yesterday. This discus is in an 80g tank running a rena xp3. I keep the temp at 84F. The tank is stocked 4 discus all under 3" with 20 cardinal tetras a clown pleco and 2 longfin blue rams. Any suggestions on what this eye thing is and the best way top treat it? I will post a pic later if i can get a good one
  3. where would a good place be to get some african cichlids, Where I can talk to them and get some advice on which one to grab. I'm sick of talkin to little kids that know less then me
  4. they are Synodontis nigriventris
  5. i figured they would be okay in there. I am not too fimiliar with african cichlids, any suggestions? obviously something that doesnt get very big.
  6. I currently have 3 Syno petricola's about 3 inches and 3 upside down catfish about 2.5 to 3" and 3 discus also about 3 inches. This is an 80g tank. I had a couple of cardinal tetras and a couple rasboras in there as well but am I now down to 1. I am assuming the catfish got them. I was planning on adding about 20 cardinals but am worried that the catfish will start picking them off. I have a 33g tank that I can setup and I was wondering if 3 petris and 3 upside downers would be okay in a 33g tank? Also what would go good with them?
  7. i leave my co2 on all the time and my fish are just fine at night, my plants pearl all the time so i must have high o2 levels in the water. Your nitrate levels shouldbe higher, you should aim for 10ppm, the plants use the nitrates, and 0.2 ppm is not enough
  8. avoid aeration, the plants create oxygen for the fish,
  9. I have 10 cardinals, 8 rasboras, 4 german rams, 3 ottos, 3 petricolas (they are getting moved to my 80g when they get bigger) and 1 red tiger discus. I have 2 super melon discus in my 80g right now but the 33g with the co2 has a better ph and the discus would really like the plants. I do weekly 50% water changes because of the fert schedule. Do you think i could fit those super melons in the 33g?
  10. I have moved the lights from my 150g to my 80g, so now i need a 6' fixture. Would i be able to use regular flourescent fixtures from home depot? They are only like $30 and the bulbs are like $3. It would save me alot of money. Then i wont get so pissed off when my lights blow.
  11. i dont think the bulbs are burnt out, but i cant really test them. I dont have a reciept for these lights so i dont know exactly when i got them
  12. i came home from work today and my lights weren't on. I have all my tanks on timers. So I played around a bit and found out the lights wont turn on at all. I have had this fixture which i bought brand new, for about 6months. I have never had any problems before. Can i buy ballasts for this kind of light fixture?
  13. so i noticed that a day after the water change the algae starts to come back alittle bit, im assuming that after the water change i am noit dosing something up enough. Yesterday and today i have dosed nitrates twice, and i am still getting a very low reading. Is it possible that the plants are using nitrates that fast? On a side note I sprayed a dropper of hydrogen peroxide on a leaf of my sword and the algae has completely died off in that one area.
  14. where can i get myself a starter culture of microworms?
  15. so i made some new plantex mix that has 2 tablespoons in 250ml and i have mixed new nitrate with 4 tablespoons in 250ml of water I plan on dosing potassium sulfate and nitrate, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 1/4 teaspoon each day plantex on monday wednesday and friday i bumped up the co2 and got my ph down to 6.8 I also removed the phosphate bag and dosed some phosphate and when i tested the next day phosphates were way over 5pm off the chart. So i put the bag back in until it went down to 0. I am now going to wait a day and then test to see what the phosphate levels are before i does again
  16. the plants are growing really well, but i started dosing phosphates again. I dont understand how excel can work but cranking up the co2 doesn't. I dont really want to buy excel considering a spent a bundle of money on the co2 setup
  17. hey i have been having a brutal battle with some algae. I am not sure if it is beard, thread of hair algae or if they are all the same. Anyway i have a 33g tank with 84w of lightingand pressurized CO2. I dosed an eighth of a teaspoon of potassium sulfate twice a week. I also dose Plantex CSM+B and Potassium nitrate twice a week. I have been maintaing about 30ppm of CO2 and a pH of 7. Recent tests went as follows Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 10ppm Phosphate = 0 Kh=120ppm pH = 7 I have been getting these bad outbreaks of algae lately, there wont be much algae at night, then when i get home from work the next day there will be massive algae growth. Everytime i run my tests they seem okay. Can somebody please share some insight as to what could be causing this problem
  18. My rams just laid eggs today. Can someone please let me know what I am supposed to do now?
  19. my knifefish is really good he only bugs the catfish. I plan on getting at least 2 more I was just wondering if i could fit anymore in there.
  20. Ya i just wanted to say thanx for finding that coupon. I went down there last night and bought 2 Red Tiger Discus. The coupon saved me $70. So thank you finaddict I have an 80g currently stocked with 1 Black Ghost Kinfe fish 6" 3 upside down catfish 1 dwarf gourami 1 common pleco 8" 1 clown pleco 3" 7 black neon tetra 3 cherry barbs 2 red tiger discus, 1 is 2" the other 3" Now how many more discus would i be able to fit in this tank?
  21. well i've had my tank since about october. Up until a couple weeks ago i keep some oscars in there. It has a few live plants and a few fake ones, driftwood and, lava rock and slate. Currently I have 3 upside down catfish, a BGK,about 10 tetras, a dwarf gourami, a clown pleco and a common pleco ( tryin to get rid of him). I want to add about 4 discus, probably 2 red turqouise and 2 blue turqouise
  22. wow that would save me quite a bit of money. Too bad i have to pour a driveway on that saturday tho
  23. Hey i have an 80g tank that i plan on stocking with some discus. Does anybody know of any good places in calgary to get discus?
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