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Everything posted by CORVETTE

  1. Sand is a matter of opinion i have kept rays in both and i preferred small round gravel. The Rays still blow into it and bury them selves in it it just doesn't get stuck in the filter as easily? Saving in shafts and impellers. The worst I've seen for ray tanks are rays with fine fine sand and it is stuck all over there bodies in there slime coat. Like i said to each there own.
  2. methemoglobin in the blood is caused by the nitrites in the water this causes the body to have a rought time carrying oxygen in the blood stream. I going as fast as i can reading and writting is hard work.....lol i hope this helps you
  3. one half ounce of salt per gallon of water will prevent methemoglobin from building up. Chlorine salt is preferable, however any aquarium salt is better than no salt at all. Aeration should be increased to provide ample oxygen saturation in the water. The fish are suffocating to death due to there gills not getting enough oxygen out of the water another common name is brown gill disease.
  4. 1 Large water change 2 Add salt, preferably chlorine salt 3 Reduce feeding 4 Increase aeration These are the first things you do save your fish. i hope this helps
  5. Can i go shopping in your fish tanks? love to have your bichirs....
  6. Looks good. What kind of floor are you putting it on? you might want to put plates under the feet to spread out the load from those little points. Thats why most stands sit right on the bottom pice of HSS tubing to spread out the weight. Just an idea? can't weight to see the tank.
  7. Wow what a nice looking puffer my wife would love it....lets see some more pictures everyone
  8. Wow what a nice looking puffer my wife would love it....lets see some more pictures everyone


    I feel your loss dude feels like i lost her.....
  10. Wow nice size. great pictures as usual. I finally picked on of these up the other day....darn expensive up here...lol thanks gerry your constantly giving me somthing to shoot for.
  11. I've seen a video on u-tube showing a pair breeding in a tank. I've also seen a silver aro carrying eggs in tank here in Calgary. Very possiable. $3800 i don't think so may be 10-15 thousand or more.
  12. Yes don't cut it apart i still have one from years ago that i cut apart and got frustrated trying to piece back together...lol
  13. Yes pretty much. I feed my big green aro frozen smelts from the bait shop, 4-5" long he eats 3-4 a week. And the sticks as a treat.
  14. That will work good, when he's bigger get some hikari food sticks, my green aro just loves them.
  15. Looks good, nice shape...just needs some red pellets and shrimp in his diet and it will bring out the red in his scales and fins.
  16. We actually transplanted some reeds in to our pond out in the ditch...lol transplanted good and gave good coverage. you might just have to prune them back every now and then. We also bought some lili pads from the home center and planted them they grew like weeds and came back every year.
  17. Ok gold fish winter very well and have spread almost across th eentire USA... The big problem is the are easily seen from the air and get fished out quiet regularly in home ponds. We had a doug out that was 50 ft x 60 ft X 8 ft deep worked well for 2 years then a heiron and to cormerants ladded and ate just about everything (don't shoot protected birds...just a warnning) then that winter was really cold and pond froze solid...lost all the nice gold fish, 3-4 pound rainbows and some perch that were mixed in. I now have a pond in the city and through 25 gold fish and 50 rosey red minnows in every year. the grey colored rosey reds or what ever they are must spawn all summer. i took out 250 last fall.
  18. WOW where are all these people now? These are the fish i'm crazy about, the bichirs are wonderfull love to see some pictures and more info on them. Please Pm me if your selling any. I'd love to see the Hydrolycus Armatus if its still around? I believe mike. c. had it.... I'd also love the big puffer's where are they know.....lol
  19. yes and no i bought the hydor adapter and it doesnt fit the korila power heads? put it fist the aquaclear pwerheads and works pretty well...
  20. Try Gold Aquariums they are a really good price for them.
  21. i'M going to have to find some of those guys some how probably order some in if the price is right...
  22. looks like amjor algea bloom, my ray tank did the same thing. no lights for a few days and a uv sterilizer did the trick for me. Hope everything works out.
  23. ok enough is enough you hae all the nice fish, i think you should just send me that bichir and i'll look after it for ya while your away....lol oh the aro will work too...lol i'd love to change my tank around to look like yours.
  24. Wow again Gerry some of the nicest shots i've seen.
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