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Everything posted by patrick

  1. Thanks Yes it's carved from styrofoam and then painted with spraypaint.
  2. I know you must be tired of all those marlieri pics, but this one - I could not resist...
  3. Here is an updated picture of my tank. Less green algae and more brown. I have also changed one of the two 6700k daylight bulbs for an actinic.
  4. Those are nice shots Gina, especially the one of the helianthus! Really nice pose.
  5. I love the sexfasciatus! I gotta have some of those one day...
  6. They eat really good too. I have been feeding them NLS small pellets. We have freshly hatched brine shrimp that I will spoil them with tomorrow.
  7. Here are a couple of pics of my new fish
  8. Yes, the bio-load has been very low, and I am very picky with not feeding too much, and also do 10% water changes 1-2 times a week.
  9. Yes I thought of that as well. I have two kits, but this particular one is only a few weeks old. The other kit is a few months old and shows the same result.
  10. I only had 4 julies and 5 Xeno's. I added 13 small cyps yesterday though but what difference that makes wont be detectable yet for a while I guess. I only have about 4-5 small hornwort. The tank is 75 gallon.
  11. So my Nitrate is now at zero. The highest I ever had was 15ppm and then it dropped to 10 and finally 5. It has been stable at 5 for about a month and a half but a couple of days ago it was non-detectable - 0. How can this be? It's not like I am complaining, it's great, but still.... I only have a few vallisneria and a couple of hornsworth in the tank. I know anaerobic bacteria takes care of nitrate but they require an oxygen free environment. I am thinking that maybe they have established in the Tufa rocks, just like they would in a SW tank? Any ideas?
  12. How are you adding them? You should only use browse and upload, don't insert anything on the page. The pictures wont show when you preview but they will show up when you post.
  13. They feed from flowers as well, but if there is a feeder nearby they'll go there first. Easy meal in large quantities. They are just like us I guess :smokey:
  14. Took a couple of shots while strolling around outside This little bumblebee is trying hard to reach in and get some nectar from the honey suckle flower I don't know the name of this one
  15. I can't see how it could discolor the water unless it's left uneaten for a long time? I beleive slow growth can be caused by high levels of Nitrate, maybe caused by overfeeding, hence the discolored water.
  16. I have been looking for "Jewels from the Rift" as well, I'd take the VHS if there was no other choice but it's impossible to find.
  17. Here's a couple of more julie pics.
  18. Nice fish Gina! The calvus is my favourite
  19. I was not aware of this... http://g.msn.com/0VD0/34/64?i=71cd068f-6e7...il&CE=flash
  20. I got a nice suprice when I got home from work. Noticed som free swimming marlieri babies! I am a little bit nervous though since they hang out about 5 inches from the FX5 intake... scary -05-
  21. Can you move the male to a different tank for a while to see if one of the "females" turn male?
  22. The sand on the left hand side of the tank is about 1/30 - 1/60 of an inch with just a little bit of aragonite mixed in to match. At first I had only aragonite, but when I got the Xenos I moved the aragonite to the right hand side and added the finer sand. It looked stupid though because of the color differenses so I poured a little bit of aragonite on the surface on the left side. You can see some of that sand on the picture of the Xenos. Also keep in mind that those fish are only about 1"- 1.25" in size so the sand particles look bigger then they are! I do agree however that a different substrate would be better but right now I really don't feel like messing around....
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