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Fishful Thinking

Edmonton & Area Member
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Posts posted by Fishful Thinking

  1. Algae is under control and I added some rummy nose and some cories. The white clouds will be moving out to another tank now along with the pandas. The rummy nose are definitely staying. Apologies for the dirty glass.






  2. Well, this morning I sold off all of the malawis in this tank to cichlidmomwanabe. I decided to sell them off as I am committed to shutting down one of my 90 gallons and won't have the room for everything that I want to keep. I am really glad that they are going to someone who will take great care of them. As time goes on I feel like my fish interests are more in the planted world, but I will look back on this tank with fond memories.

  3. Thanks for the advice, Jason. The algae is starting to get under control. I have added some more amanos, some crypts and I finally found some Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' at Nature's! Because of the HC I added on the third light to the tank, so the WPG is now 3.6.

  4. Thanks! It's quite the algae farm right now, especially hair algae, which is why there haven't been any new pics for a while. I just purchased a powerhead for the CO2 deliver, 6 amano shrimp and 2 nerite snails which I am hoping will help in the fight against the algae. I also added another 6 white clouds to up the school to 12.

  5. Here are the stats on the new tank:

    Footprint: 30x12x12

    Substrate: Black Sand

    Lighting: three sunblaster light sticks (2 foot, 24W), 3.6 WPG

    Filtration: Eheim 2213, split output

    CO2: 10 pound pressurized, in Zoo Med Power sweep

    Plants: Rotala macrandra, Hygrophila corymbosa ''Compact'', Anubias barteri var. nana, Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba'', Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae and Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica' and 'Oya'

    Inhabitants: 29 Rummy Nose Tetras, 12 Hastatus cories, 4 ottos, 3 Amano shrimp, 2 red crystal shrimp, 4 BN (one regular and two albino long-finned), numerous Malaysian Trumpet Snails

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