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Everything posted by captinstabbin

  1. yah, it was running through approx 3 ft of hose & canister & bucket were level
  2. thanks, I bought an Eheim knock off called a ca 1000. It states 320 gph but seems only to be putting out 277gph. How do I increase flow?
  3. Does anyone know how to calculate gph. I took a gallon bucket which took 13 sec to fill
  4. It was leaking from the power cord, I put new seals, hoses & still leaked. luckily I got my $75 & was accused of "doing something to it" :eh: , who knows what people are thinking, anyways thanks for the replies on trying to fix it. On a different note, does anyone know anything about those caisters on Ebay called Odyssea cfs4 350 gph or cascade filters.
  5. BOught a used xp3 & it leaked 5 or so gallons on the floor last night. I shut it off before bed with the lever in the down position. has anyone encountered such a problem before?
  6. extra de-chlorinator sounds like a good idea, thx
  7. someone was kind enough to give me 1/2 5 gal pail of salt water sand. It smelt as if someone to a crap in the bucket almost sewer like, black towards the bottom of the pail. I cleaned it using bleach & water followed by a few thorough rinsings. Is that o.k to do & what the ^(% was that smell
  8. Well thanks for the input guys, I guess this is something that just has to be "lived" with from the lack of further responses or maybe it's just me
  9. What I mean by floaties is, paticles under the surface. I do keep 6 tropheus duboisi to whom I'm told are extremely "messy" fish in that they have a tendancy to create alot of waste. They have a tendancy to kind of vomit even hours after being fed & consuming each others crap :tongue: which is a normal thing I guess, but these guys take it to a whole new level. A surface skimmer is used also & does wonders. I have the 2 very bottom chambers filled with foam from a-clear filters, the next level with filter floss, 3rd with carbon/ammo rid bags & top 1 chamber with bio rings. p.s: merry x-mas everyone :thumbs:
  10. Just wondering if anyone can lend some ideas regarding the fluval 404 on my 75g. I gave 20 cichlids all approx 2 to 3".water changes done evry 2nd week 40%. my water always has floaties :mad: . I've got a surface skimmer on this thing that I've tried putting on a sponge pre-filter. This does not work at all because the upper skimmer portion just sucks under water with no way to get it to stay up. I suppose I could just go back to the original intake & pre-filter that, but that means I'd have all that nasty film on top the water. Someone from the pet store said that these are just garbage to begin with because of the amount of bypass they let by. Is there anything I can do to this thing in the canister to rectify this problem?
  11. I feed them hbh vege 8 flakes & hikari cichlid excel.Just got them yesterday & will be doing 15 % bi-weekly
  12. I got 11 duboisi ranging in size from 1- 1 3/4" in length.Just want to know how fast these guys grow provided water changes are done regularly & properly fed.
  13. loss of a couple gallons per hour I can live with
  14. Just bought a surface skimmer for my fluval 404 & was wondering if anyone can give some feedback on this thing. The concept of it is pretty simple, but what I want to know is:seeing that the intake doesn't have as many slots in it, does it decrease the overall performance of the fluval? Does the surface (upper) portion of this unit make up the overall suction? :eh:
  15. Can anyone tell me if there's a limit on how much (weight) of rock can be placed on a given point in the tank. I rescently placed 1" of sand as substrate & a wack of rock work. This is in a 75g all glass tank 48x18.One of the rocks is close to 35lbs & has me worried
  16. Just wondering if someone can tell me how do you tell when a glass is tempered vs regular "plate glass", asside from the obvious stamp.
  17. Will do my good man! Wife says that we actually have some left over primer I can use :bang1:
  18. thanks for the advice guys! Short on cash so you guys think I can get away with the quart of outdoor acrylic & a good sanding? I was told that with the outdoor paints, one doesn't have to apply as many coats as with indoor paints :poo:
  19. Hey guys! I was busy staining my stand made of pine 2x6's when I stopped, stepped back & thought"this really sucks"! I don't like what it looks like & just want to paint it. I used a small can of something called miniwax which is like a stain & finish in one. It doesn't leave a gloss finish so I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's o.k to just paint over or should I sand? :boom:
  20. thx for the feedback! I'll go with the superglue idea. I heard somewhere that people even use superglue in emergency's to close a deep cut, so it's gotta be alright for the little guys
  21. anyone know if it's alright if i was to repair the u-shape intake tube of my aquaclear with a hot glue gun, are glue sticks generally non toxic?
  22. I'm down to 10 from 12 fry last sunday.they're all doing pretty good in their 10g,crushed flake & water changes. I thought i was goin to lose the female as she was pretty lifeless for about 2-3 days, but she's doing o.k.
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