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Everything posted by Froggie

  1. I'm afraid that's not correct Shawn. The Fx designation stands for filial generation, which is literally "the first generation descended from". Though this terminology can denote any linage, it’s typically regarded as the generation descended from wild. Thus F1 fry had wild parents, and so forth. A cross of a wild fish (F0) and a F1 fish (first generation tank raised) would properly be considered F2. Incidentally, F0 is a misnomer. The term has no scientific merit. The way I’ve heard it, an exporter started using it on his stock lists to denote wild fish and it ended up sticking. I’d avoid it and just call them wild.
  2. The Eheim is a wonderful filter, if you can afford it then don't pass it up. $349.99 is a fair bit cheaper the the $469.99 Bigalsonline.ca is charging right now. A shame we still get shafted compared the americans though.
  3. Dean, The Tropheus are in a 55 gallon tank at the moment. The tank is sparsely decorated with three small, separate rock pipes to divide territory. They are younger so aggression has been minimal so far, though I'm planning to move them up a 75 gal if I feel they're getting too feisty. I actually just got to watch them spawn, for the second time, on Saturday. Here is a picture of how the tank is arranged. This picture is from early June when I first got the colony. The clown loaches are no longer in the tank. I found it was too difficult to get them enough food without the risk of overfeeding the smaller tropheus.
  4. .125 wall is serious overkill for a stand that only houses a 55 gal and a 30 gal, it'll end up being heavy as sin. Given todays steel prices it's really not that cheap either. I think you'd be better off building a wooden stand. Easy to construct in an afternoon and probably half the cost.
  5. I've lurked for a little while and thought that it was perhaps time to properly introduce myself. My name is Sean Borycki and I live in Saskatoon. Also, I'm not sure but I think I froze my left nut off this morning :P I primarily keep african cichlids, at the moment I'm running 7 tanks for a total of roughly 550 gallons. If you're interested you can find a list of my fish here: http://members.shaw.ca/sborycki/fishlist.html. I'm going to try to get some full tank shots up to add to it. I've included my instant messanger information in my profile. If anyone wants to talk fish feel free to drop a line. Edit: missed the "l" in html, the link is now working.
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