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Saskatchewan Member
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Everything posted by Froggie

  1. Gina, With all these new fish you're going to need a bunch of new tanks. Let the fishroom expansion party begin!
  2. ...you forgot that I was also doing a backflip. That's typically a stylistic choice. You'll notice with many of the series I've posted, if it's a lone fish it's typically a profile shot so the fish can be shown properly, but if I have multiple shots then I usually look to get some interesting movement.
  3. These are pictures of Ryans Protomelas sp. "steveni taiwan" which I took this weekend while out in Alberta. It was a very nice fish, though the depth of the tank and darker coloration of the fish presented some issues so I couldn't use my usual technique.
  4. er.. you look prettier then the gar?
  5. To be completely honest I had forgotten that you said was one there. I just couldn't resist myself when I was in the store. If it was 2 for 1, I'd have walked out with some Polypterus delhezi! ...when is the next one? Sean
  6. Damn, anyone have any suggestions about how I can resolve this gracefully?
  7. Yes, I named the gar "Ellie" after you because I think that you probably bite! :P
  8. Yup, I picked up the lone Florida gar from Riverfront when we were there. The bichers came from the lovely lady Ellie. I know my pictures suck, sorry about that. I told you that at dinner too -roll-
  9. Well, I had a great weekend out in Alberta. I just wanted to share this quick snapshot of the new fish I had gotten over the weekend: Please excuse the heater!
  10. Well, I can't say that I found much at the auction that interested me. I did however have a great time. Despite being an outcast from Saskatchewan everyone was quite polite! I think that I'll definately be coming back in the future.
  11. I don't imagine it being overly difficult but a chiller would be a necessity.
  12. Ah, no accounting for taste I suppose. Whatever the case I'm still open to the idea of simply having an open bar with a variety of refreshments throughout the auction. If the club is quick about it they could get the liquor license tomorrow. ...and then you wake up in the morning with a hangover and look over in the bed to see a bag of guppies you paid $35 for!
  13. Consider this another vote for beer at the CAS auction. :beer:
  14. I remember one or two attempts, such as aquabay.ca, but nothing has really taken off. Your best bet is to pay attention to the trading posts for nearby cities such as Regina, Saskatoon and Winterpeg.
  15. Well a number of Crenicichla come to mind immediately but they might fare alright in the new habitat.
  16. I'll be there with a box of stuff from Saskatoon.
  17. I hesitantly switched my mbuna, and later tropheus, to new life spectrum awhile back and didn't have any problems. Quite a few other people whom I know have also switched their herbivores over without any issues. I would of course caution that the change should be made gradually.
  18. Must be, can you imagine coloring up without any females?
  19. I should be bringing some interesting killis to the CAS auction. We have a fellow in town that’s made collecting visits to Africa and is quite the prolific breeder.
  20. Forgot to mention that besides P. leopoldi it'll also include the Hyspancistrus zebra.
  21. Flowerhorn? -roll- Bloodparrot? -roll- -roll- -roll-
  22. It's only going to get worse once the Xingu dam goes up and they disapear almost entirely.
  23. Bah, hasn't every aquarist been shocked a few times already? Light fixtures dropped into tanks and back-siphoned air pumps both come to mind.
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