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Everything posted by Finbert

  1. That was something else I should have asked about the angels - whether they really do get that big. I guess you're saying they do, so that rules them out. Harlequins are nice, but I'm kindof hoping to keep everybody from the same continent, even if I don't go totally biotope (baby steps!) Thanks for your input!
  2. I'm not sure if I should thank or curse Grant, who gave me a great deal on a used 30gal and threw in a bunch of other stuff besides. I have a couple ideas what to put in it, and I'd like the opinions of people who know more than me (basically, everybody here). Option 1: South America A pair of blue rams 5-6 diamond tetras 2 otos 3 panda corys Assorted Echinodorus spp Option 2: South Asia Assorted gouramis Kuhli loaches Haven't researched plants yet Questions about Option 1 (which may belong in the cichlid forum): 1. Since the rams hang around at the bottom and play with the rocks, could I do without a scavenger like the corys? 2. If the rams don't fall in love and pair up, will it be war, or happy platonic roommates? 3. Would the diamond tetras be too zippy and hungry and scare and out-compete the rams for food? Would cardinals be a better idea, or would they bother the rams by also being in the lower levels of the tank? 4. If I got angels instead of rams, obviously it would be an easier aquarium to take care of, but what size of fish are angels likely to eat? Do they hunt for bite-size prey, or are they more like lions that take down large prey and eat it in several bites? Question about Option 2: I imagine someone has tried this before - does it work? I'm thinking I might like to simulate a river by sticking the HOB filter on one end, and then attaching a tube/hose to the inlet and running it to the opposite end of the aquarium to create a current. Thanks everybody for any advice you can offer!
  3. My office tank is heavily stocked - maybe even overstocked. I went on vacation for a week (did a 20% change before I left) and left it in the care of people whose main fear was that the fish would starve. I tried to explain that overfeeding is worse, but they looked really doubtful. When I left, ammonia was 0, nitrite was 0, and nitrate was about 5ppm. When I got back, ammonia was 0, nitrite was 0, and nitrate was about 5ppm. Go plants go!
  4. My 10gal a month after the last pic: Some brown algae growing, but at least the otos (which you can't see) are getting fat.
  5. Think of chasing someone around in a very large and wide dress. He didn't give up. He was fine with the neons, but then I added a couple otos and he went psycho. Otos are pretty fast too, but I guess not fast enough. It was the last straw when one of my co-workers found Bubbles with an oto's tail halfway down his throat. She smacked the glass and startled Bubbles for long enough for the oto to extract itself. The oto is fine and Bubbles has been re-homed, but that was a lesson learned. In the meantime, I think the 10-gal is fully stocked, and maybe a bit overstocked, although everybody seems happy and the water quality is stable and good. So now I have 8 neons, 2 otos, 3 Kuhli loaches, and in theory several shrimp, although I've only seen one lately. My co-workers suspect they've become expensive snacks. I'm holding out hope that they're hiding really well. Also, thanks Qattara and degrassi for the rainbowfish suggestion - I'm thinking about setting up an aquarium at home and those are very pretty indeed.
  6. I ended up getting some neons, because when I went to Aquarium Enthusiasts on their 2 for 1 day, they only had 2 cardinals left and I wanted more than that. The neons are working out pretty well, and seem happy.
  7. Thanks for the reassurance - they are indeed very silly. I think they are my new favourites.
  8. I finally got around to getting some Kuhli loaches for my 10gal, and at first I never saw them. Now that I re-homed my jerk Betta (who was fine with the other community members until the loaches came, and then he started harrassing everybody) they're out and exploring. For the last hour or so, the three of them have been draped together over the suction cup that holds the heater in place, right at the top of the water. I think of them as bottom fish, so I'm not sure what's up with them hanging out so near the surface. Is this just another Kuhli quirk, or should I be worried? Thanks!
  9. I kindof draped a piece of fabric along the top edge of the aquarium and hanging down the back, so that the whole thing was resting on fabric. Looking at it now, I'm thinking that what happened was: - the padding caused the whole apparatus to tip forward a bit - that tipping forward changed the angle of where the water comes out, allowing some of the water to run back up the underside, kindof like on a teapot when you're pouring slowly. Paradoxically, I suspect if I had it turned on full instead of low, it might not have been a problem, just like with a teapot. - the water got on the fabric and capillary action took care of the rest On the other hand, I'm now using a piece of fabric - just basic woven cotton, like a blouse or bedsheet, but with a really neat design - as a background, and it seems to dampen the vibration a little, without disrupting the water flow. I've also got the aquarium sitting on a piece of polar fleece, and that cuts back the noise quite a bit, because it keeps the vibrations from being transmitted to my desk and using the whole thing as an amplifier.
  10. Wow, they're gorgeous - such beautiful colours.
  11. Sending hugs and strong-fish vibes in your direction. And, holy $@#! your 35gal all over your living room? Yikes!
  12. Yeah, the nano does make a bit of sound - which is how I got myself into that predicament in the first place. And if you saw the carpet in my office, you'd realize it has nothing to do with being important. I think it's more a laziness strategy for the cleaning staff: carpet gets dirt ground into it which hides the dirt, whereas you have to sweep/vacuum hard flooring.
  13. Yeah, it was just me. Cleaned it up, took out the padding I'd added (which looked like it had somehow come in contact with the water and started wicking it all out) and everything has been fine since. The carpet doesn't even smell.
  14. At work after doing a WC I leave the bucket out for anybody who wants to water their plants and I have to say, our area has the nicest plants anywhere in the building. And this without windows.
  15. Thanks for the plant suggestions! At this point, I think I'll just keep my eyes open and if something strikes my fancy I'll put it in.
  16. You're both right, smaller plecos might be the way to go - although the otos are cute too. I like the idea of valisneria, but I'm told it needs more than the 2Watt/gal I currently have for lighting. Is that true?
  17. What is it that's making that lovely lawn in the front? It's gorgeous!
  18. Glad y'all like it! The driftwood is real, not resin. It seems to improve the water quality a bit (softer and less alkaline). Do I ever have plans! The only current occupant is a betta, ignominiously named Bubbles by my co-workers (oh the horrors of democracy, lol). I'm planning on: - a tallish, dramatic plant in the back right (suggestions, anybody?) - some shrimp - a few kuhli loaches - a shoal of rasboras, probably glowlights. Or maybe tetras. - maybe some kind of glass-sucking/algae-eating critter, if there are any that stay small enough for a 10g and don't also like to eat plants and supplement their diet by sucking on fish - I haven't researched this yet, but I learned my lesson about pl*cos a long time ago
  19. Hey, the espeis and glowlights look pretty neat - always good to have more options! And ITA about the plants, especially hygro. The betta just loves them and spends a fair amount of time lurking in them.
  20. Yeah, I guess it really does all depend on the still nameless Mr. Veiltail. From what I can tell about his personality just on his own is that he's fairly smart (comes to the front when I open the lid), extremely brave when it comes to things like fighting his reflection, but skittish about new stimuli - no sudden moves while you're feeding him, or he'll go hide. In any case, there's enough places in there that small fish can fit and bettas can't.
  21. We'll see :-) Right now I just have him on a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement where if he comes out of his cave he might get a treat. I've seen videos of ones that would jump for food, but it's going to be a while before this timid dude is ready for anything that intense!
  22. I read posts like this and think, but for the grace of being broke, there go I. Looking forward to pictures!
  23. Thanks! I don't think he's going to still be called Lurky though, because now that he's comfortable he's out cruising all the time. So I'll probably never get a pic of him peeking out of his cheesy fake rock house.
  24. Well, today I'm not so happy with mine after all. I'm sure I caused it when I tried to put a bit of padding under it to dampen the vibration (maybe I set it off-kilter a bit?), but when I came in this morning, the thing was half empty. Fortunately, the documents on my desk absorbed most of the water before it could go into the big boss's office next door... :-(
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