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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by t-man

  1. Nice fish! I was thinking of doing a species tank someday with some Tropheus.
  2. I will try to get some pics of my plecos and eels, but they are harder to get to come out.
  3. It's a Malawi trout(Champsochromis caeruleus).tank shots
  4. Western pump in Calgary.
  5. I thought I would take some photos of some fish while I was cleaning the tanks. Some photos not so good but fish keeping is my hobby not photography.
  6. This was my first Black arowana, that I had about 2 yrs ago. I lost it to a tank mishap and I thought I would post of pic for the people out there that think they can go in small tanks. Just remember it went from a black little thing with a yellow strip to a 25 inch monster in just 3 yrs in a 230 gallon. I now have started over with 4 more in a 450 gallon and hope to try and breed them in the future.RIP
  7. Not the only one! I have 4 Black arowanas in my 450 Gallon.
  8. These are actually called Cyphotilapia Gibberosa "kitumba".
  9. Male is about 6 to 7 inches and the female is about 4 inches. I got rid of the rest due to bad genetics. I have a new male and female from a different group growing out in my 230 gallon. So I am keeping my fingers crossed hoping they turn out good.
  10. I have a problem with trumpet snails in a couple of my tanks but my clown loaches,yo-yo loaches and blue botia keep them under control. Good Luck!!
  11. I have 1m/9f they are not that hard to breed the females just don't hold well. Did you get the big ones from the front of the store ? No, the smaller ones in the middle and one out of his display tank.
  12. Females are 5 inch give or take and the male is at least 9 inches.
  13. I didn't take a pic of the 90 gallon. The first pic is the 230 gallon,2nd pic is the 180 gallon and the last one is the 450 gallon.
  14. Yep! Probably seen you there a time or two. I go there at least once a week and I live 1 1/2 hrs away. Went there twice this week already.
  15. What is you ratio of male to females? Did you get them from Golds? I just bought 3 females and a male from Golds and was wondering how hard it was to breed them?
  16. I can't fit all my tanks in one picture so here is a pic of them one at a time less my 90 gallon which is in another room.
  17. I bought a breeding group of Kitumba yesterday and they are still settling in but I managed to get a couple pics of the females. Some of the females are already showing signs of their tubes dropping. I can't wait till they start breeding as I have a 90 gallon setup for the fry.
  18. Mostly Gold's aquarium for the last 19 yrs!
  19. He still has them and they are for sale. I used to breed 7 stripe before and they are a little more aggressive but still not bad if you have a big enough tank.
  20. FYI If anyone is interested I just traded in two large Parachromis friedrichsthalii (male/female) ,large flowerhorn parrott and a short body flowerhorn which was a female paired with the male parrott at Gold's aquarium today. The freddies aren't to common but the latter are more common but not seen at this size.
  21. Just buy one from the lfs,they aren't expensive and you know it was built by someone who knows how to build tanks. Plus you get warranty if it leaks.
  22. I answered my own question Gold's aquarium.
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