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Mbuna Ron

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Mbuna Ron

  1. If you need a powerhead I've got an 802 I can sell you for 17.00.
  2. I have about 150 pounds of Rundle rock (slate) I can sell you for about .25 a pound.
  3. I have a 40 gall. plastic drum where I age my water and then I siphon it in my tanks. No chemicals whatsoever! The Python is great for cleaning the tank and draining water.
  4. I agree. Lots of surface agitation and over filtering does the trick with me..as well tropheus like frequent large water changes. I use a cannister and a HOB filter in combination. On the surface I have a double spray bar. There is virtually no crap on the sand bottom as it is filtered out by the constant water movement. Oh..and use good quality food ...less waste
  5. When cycling a new tank with existing filters and media how long will the beneficial bacteria last without the introduction of fish to produce ammonia? Should hardy fish be put in immediately (assuming the water has no chlorine/chloramine) in conjunction with the used media bacteria or can the bacteria last without the fish so as to stabilize water conditions? As well. I have been told that the introduction of a large amount of existing plants along with a bacteria colony (filter) will result in not having any spike. I have done this with smaller tanks with no loss however I am now setting up a 130 gallon and thought I'd seek input.
  6. I have one at about 3-3.5 inches, significantly larger than the other two. The other two at about 2.5 inches. Mind you they are competing with 9 yellow labs and 15 peacocks for food. The Peacocks usually win, although the larger dolphin is beginning to assert himself.The dolphins and the yellows tend to stay closer to the substrate whereas the peacocks are front and centre. All have been fed on NLS exclusively.
  7. Is a Titanium heater more reliable than Ebo? Neil I have 3 Malawi dolphins and 9 electric yellows that I have grown out from fry I recieved from Dwayne. They have been raised on NLS and have excellent colour.
  8. Thanks for the information Neil. I'm going to do some digging on temp. control units. What can I expect as a price? How about your tank? What are you planning to stock it with?
  9. Kyle's idea has merit-two underpowered heaters-so if one malfunctions it would take longer to overheat the tank and cook the fish. So for a 130 what would you consider to be two slightly underpowered heaters? 2 150's ?
  10. Do any heaters have a shut-off feature if they stick so as to prevent this? Has anyone had an ebo heater malfunction?
  11. Well I've gone and done it! I got my dream tank-a 130 gallon. Managed to get it home safely and with the help of two buddies into the fish room. Now the set-up. Based on input from Kyle (African Fever) and RD, I settled on uniblast #19 frac sand - quartz -a bit larger grain than PFS. Will use egg crate below for granite rocks. What do you think..one 250watt Ebo-jager heater enough? What about a powerhead to move water? Black background-done This will be a Mipimbwe Front tank Using one biological wet/dry : eheim filter and an Rena XP3
  12. Good to hear! I was not sure what to expect!
  13. I have a 33 gall. originally with 4 daffodils and 4 juli's. Well..the daffodils began to breed, one male keeping two females busy...lots of fry! The forth daff. pushed to the tank corner. The juli's not free to roam. So...I put the juli's in a tank of their own. Had to rescue that last daff. too. The only tank avail. was a 75 gall Hap and Peacock tank...so off he went. Not ideal but the best I could do for now. Do you think a lone daff. will be ok there?...they are nasty little buggers. :ph43r:
  14. I went ahead and got 80 pounds of silica frac sand for my 130 gal. The quartz sand was very uniform and round as Kyle said, and a bit larger than PFS. It is a lighter in colour but looks to be great for sand sifters. Another good option to consider along with Target PFS.
  15. Ok..final question Kyle...maybe...how do you think it would be as a substrate for mpimbwe frontosa? ...with a dark background. If I get the thumbs up, I'm heading out tomorrow to get the frac sand...less concerned about the price more concerned about the quality as I intend it to be used for a long time. :well:
  16. If it is lighter than PFS then how is it that it is easier to vaccuum and use with a Python????
  17. Thanks. I've creating some great hiding spots. They are pretty active and not interested in using them yet. I'll try some NLS again tonight.
  18. I just picked up 6 juvi syno's. Have tried a variety of foods but they are not eating. What kind of food can I entice them with?
  19. I just checked with Consolidated Compressor in Calgary and they do have silica frac sand. For 88 pound bags it is 19.95. Apparently the grain is more consistent. I am not sure what makes it different from PFS but I will head over there today to check it out.
  20. Do you know where I can get silica frac sand in Calgary? Are the grains rounded or jagged? Kyle I may take you up on your offer but if frac sand is so much better then I'd like to try it. I'll check with consolidated compressor in Calgary. What are the drawbacks with frac sand? Neil and Darcy, have you tried it??
  21. My F1 Mpimbwe's are from Don G. via Gold's. I'll go with the dark background and PFS...and of course NLS. All my fish are on NLS. My tropheus duboisis are even on it and there are no problems. I am pretty excited about the 130 gall. and am giving all the details a lot of thought. Thanks for the advice! ( Darcy and Neil)
  22. Thanks for the advice Neil. I guess I should stick with PFS then for the Mimpibwe fronts.....any other choices??? ....and any tricks of the trade to share??
  23. The PFS I used was target brand. I picked it up at Western Pump. I used it in a 33 gall. and a 10. Although heavier than play sand, clean up is a bit tricky. If there is any algae formed on the sand, to remove the algae you inevitably get sand as well. When using a magnet on the glass, you have to be very careful not to get even a grain of sand on it so as to not scratch the side of the tank..and there is always a concern about the impeller even though I have had no problems to date. I will continue to use it on my 33 and 10 but am still searching for a better substrate. The aragonite I was looking at is a much larger grain than the PFS. Apparently it buffers the PH so as to keep the tank at 8.3..a bit above Calgary's PH ..great for Tangs. Aragonite by CaraSea also claims to lower ammonia and nitrites and is more algae resistant than a silicate product, and no risk to impellers. ....but it is much more expensive...on sale now at Big Al's. I am using TMS in a 55 and absolutely love it. No algae, heavier than PFS, and no risk to impellers. Chums has used aragonite in one tank with great results. Is anyone else using it?
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