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Everything posted by artymuffin

  1. Thank you so much for your help! I've also been in touch with Charles and am awaiting my medicine! :boxer: I will kill these nasty buggers and keep my fish very well fed to help flush out their nasty little bodies. :S
  2. I cannot say how thankful I am for finding this website and forum! I recently saw the nasty bloodred threads protruding from one of my fancy guppy's vent (he is also the one that was misteriously not growing very fast, if at all). He's currently quaratined but I am fairly certain all the other fish in my tank are in need of treatment just-in-case. I bought some anti-parasite medicated food (pellet form), and crushed slightly for my guppy displaying symptoms but the few pieces he ate he quickly expelled. It said to feed exclusively for 3 days, and now, after those days he is super thin and weak so I've started him back on his flake food (which he's eaten) I emailed Charles about purchasing some of the medicine you've recommended. I hope he responds soon, and if so, I'll probably buy 3 packages so that I'll be set should this happen again! A few questions for you both: 1) Did it affect any of the plants in the aquarium? 2) Any affect on nitrite, ammonia, nitrate levels or pH? 3) Does the medicine also kill any eggs that might be hidden in the gravel? 4) How do I clean the tank of any eggs that could reinfect my fish without killing all of my good bacteria? Thanks in advance!
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