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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by Becky

  1. So what does F1 mean? And when the fry grow up and start pairing off, is that ok genetically? How would one get fresh genes into the pool? Mix fry of another pair in there? Do they have to be close to the same age? What about different species making hybrids? Can all breeds hybridize? I hope someone will have the patience to answer this. I am still just planning my cichlid tank. I have 12 or so books out of the library, and have yet to buy a big tank. Not sure which species I want. And if you know of any books I sould read, reccommend them please! Thanks, Becky
  2. Becky

    Meta-frame tank

    Cool! Can you post a pic for all to admire?
  3. My Uncle was cleaning out his garage and gave me his old 10 gal (I think) Meta-Frame tank. It has no lid, but the chrome is in pretty good condition. What would look groovy in this tank? And what brand of cover/lid would fit? Thanks, Becky
  4. Has anyone ever attemped this? Check out this article: Constructing Under-Gravel Jets I think it looks like a great idea. Becky
  5. Becky

    Newbie here

    I'm Becky, live NE of Red Deer. Its great to have a local source for info, esp. concerning store reviews and such. I am kinda new to fish keeping, I want to get back into it (and get a bigger tank--hopefully a 90g or larger, my 29 g is for sale in the buy-sell-trade forum). I used to keep livebearers, but now I want to get into cichlids, but am still doing a lot of research as to which kind. I am a stay at home Mom to six kids, yes six, ages 3 months to 9 years old. And before you ask, yes we do know what causes it, and no we are not Catholic or Mormon. Just passionate Protestants We homeschool too. Looking forward to learning more about fish and plants! Becky
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