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  1. Hi, I have a gourami that I'm really attached too. Only one problem - I can't think of a name! Any suggestions? She is a female Opaline Gourami. Thanks! fishprincess
  2. Thank you for your suggetions, everybody. I put in a dwarf frog, a few guppies, and my flower shrimp, Shrimpy. Guess what? Shrimpy just molted, and we got to watch him! He looks like a ripe banana. Should we remove his old shell? Thanks! fishprincess
  3. How about guppies? Here is some info on them: http://members.tripod.com/~GuppyGal/care.html Or you could try a gourami or two. If you want small ones, I recommend dwarf or honey gouramis. If you want medium ones, try a Blue Gourami. If you want one that will get a bit large, I recommend the paradise fish. Hope I helped! fishprincess
  4. My betta died . He was in a 5-gallon tank. I'm looking for something I could put in there. Right now I'm leaning towards guppies, paradise fish, small tetras, or African Dwarf Frogs. Would any of those work? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks! fishprincess
  5. I just came home to find my betta dead :cry:. He had very severe fungus. Well, at least he isn't suffering anymore. Goodbye, Prince. You will be missed. fishprincess
  6. I thought it would be a good idea if there was an 'art gallery' section. You know, where people would post drawings of fish and other wet pets. Maybe there could also be directions on how to transfer pictures from Paint to Photobucket! fishprincess
  7. I just put in a piece of cucumber. The tiger barbs and gouramis will nibble on it once in a while. I'll let you know if Her Royal Majesty (Alice) deems it worthy of her consumption -roll-. Thanks! fishprincess UPDATE: Nobody was doing anything with it, so we had it take it out. Alice cost around $11. Does that make her one of the expensive plecos and, if so, are expensive plecos pickier?
  8. I've read that you can give your plecos frozen peas, so I tried giving one to my Alice. She totally ignored it, whereas the other fish kicked it around with their mouthes like a soccerball. So down to the pet store I went to pick up some algae wafers. Everyone is going after it but Alice. EVEN THE ANGELFISH!! Alice was originally purchased to help with an algae problem. She's eaten almost all of it now, and I don't want her to starve. Have you ever heard of a finnicky pleco? If so, is there a food that plecos find irresistable? Do you think I should have put it in at night? Thanks! fishprincess
  9. I think Gothette, my blue ram, is carrying eggs. Here are my questions: Can I tell when she'll lay them? How? When will they hatch? What do you feed the fry? How many fry do you think I'll end up with? Thanks! fishprincess
  10. Hi, Thank you SOOO much for your suggestions! Every night I put in a small wafer for my cories and loaches. Do you think maybe Alice eats some of it? (It's not just the bottom-dwellers who eat it, everyone else in the tank just loves wafers LOL! -roll-) What quantity of vegetables would I feed her? Would I have to shell the peas? (I read a story online where someone was giving their goldfish a pea to prevent SBD, and since they didn't shell it, the goldfish choked) Would the other fish go after the vegetable, like with the wafers? Thanks! fishprincess
  11. I purchased a pleco for a tank that had an algae problem (The pleco is only about 6.5 cm long, and when she gets too big, I'll exchange her for a smaller pleco). Just a few days later, "Alice" has eaten almost all the algae. I'm worried that Alice will starve to death. Should I supplement her diet with vegetables? Thanks! fishprincess
  12. :cry: Poor thing! R.I.P. Oscar! fishprincess
  13. Thank you for your help everybody. I've written to the store and I'm hoping to return the more aggressive ones that I'm less attached to. If I can't return them, I will probably sell them to another user or trade them for different fish. I've been eying Black Skirt Tetras ever since I saw a picture of one and thought "Wow! It really does look like it's wearing a skirt!" I was very excited when I found out they would be good for my ten-gallon. Thanks! fishprincess
  14. 10 gallons. Yeah, maybe that's right! The fish were selected for me because it's my first tank and I don't have that much of a good idea of what fish are good for beginners. Do you have any suggestions? How many bottom-dwellers should there be? fishprincess
  15. I learned the hard way that you should never have multiple rainbow sharks in the same tank. I have, I mean, I had two of them named Sharky and Bully. Bully is dominant, and Sharky was fairly docile. A few hours ago I saw Bully beating Sharky up. I moved him/her to my emergency container. Sharky would never have survived in the emergency container (No heater), so using a regular net as a breeder net, I put Sharky back in the main tank. Sharky was definitely not going to go down without a fight. He/she fought and fought, but he/she still died . R.I.P. Sharky! fishprincess
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