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Everything posted by devocole

  1. I was wondering if anyone knows about connecting a pump inline with a canister filter to increase/help flow. I have an inline heater and reactor that really slow the output. Let me know. Thanks Devon
  2. Timmy it needs to be ordered online. I looked for many many options in canada and no luck.
  3. Jerr I told you about the Rondomatic. It is the best one around but it is expensive new, about 100 bucks. But keep your eye on ebay. I got mine used for 24 US. After shipping about 50 or 60 bucks canadian. It has individual compartments and you can feed 5 times in one day if you want and has 28 different compartments. Look it up. You can dose ferts with it too if you want.
  4. This is my plumbing situation. With the reactor hooked up my flow rate on the eheim 2215 is cut in half probably. Is this standard for people that have done this or am I missing something. I also wonder if 2217 would do the trick or should i just do a glass diffuser instead. So far this inline reactor hasn't worked out as smoothly as i had hoped. Devon
  5. Come on, it couldn't be that easy. So you figure i should just fill the thing up first and then it will be okay. I'll give it a try later. Thanks Devon
  6. Hooked up all the plumbing for a test run and it wasn't a success. The DIY inline reactor above is too loud for my liking. I am asking for advice right now under the DIY section. What a pain. If anyone has any ideas, or advice for a CO2 reactor out of the tank that works and is quiet, i would love to know. Thanks Devon
  7. So this is the thing i made. Hooked it up today and it sounds like a bloody waterfall. I don't like it. Has anyone made one of these. If so is it loud. Does anyone have a non DIY inline Co2 reactor. I need some advice. Thanks guys Devon
  8. haven't tried it myself but marselia is kind of like glosso but less demanding look it up
  9. Looks good Kev. If only we had camera skills, because i always feel like it doesn't do us any justice.
  10. not entirely sure. But when i had them, they would send off little runners with miniature crypt plants virtually hugging the mother plant. If you see little plantlets you can separate them, but don't know about the root.
  11. Kev, do you think that growing it like that is faster then CO2 injection. IMO CO2 might be just as fast, but maybe the benefit of that is having plants established once you fill. Just curious, let me know.
  12. i also think there bodies decompose very quickly. I check my shrimp tanks every day or two. One day i found a dead body, when i tried to pick it up with tweezers it just fell to pieces.
  13. devocole

    Wood Java

    Since the first set up, i've added green shrimp, cherry shrimp, and 8 endlers. I now have many many little shrimps but the endlers haven't produced anything yet. I've had them for 2 months, mabe the babies aren't making it. Its filled in alot and need to trim once a month. My worst nemesis, staghorn likes to grow close to the lights. So I trim those leaves ever so often. Still wish i put it into a tank with no scratches.
  14. Yup i went to the HD mentioned. Brought my conduit to the rental section and asked if he would be willing to help me out. He was more then happy to, especially for a little DIY project. I offered him 5 bucks to buy a coffee but he said a positive online review would be more then enough. Thanks for all the comments. I really like the look too. My current concerns are still whether the light is going to hold, and whether i should look into getting a wire hanging kit that i can move up and down, will make it easier to get into the tank and work if i could raise it up.
  15. She's coming together. After 4 hours i'm pretty happy with how its looking. A really nice employee at home depot helped me bend and cut the conduit for free. My only concern right now is whether the little wire aluminum sleeve that i clamped will hold my light indefinately.
  16. Hey Jerr. I hate the stuff and in my research this is what i've compiled. I've done the blackout method and it worked. But i didn't like the idea of complete darkness for 4 days. So the next time i got it (in a diff tank) i used maracyn. The antibiotic killed the stuff after 3-4 days of dosing. No fish deaths, and no adverse side effect. Also it is always in areas of low flow for me, might be something to think about. Blue Green Algae BGA (Cyanobacteria) Major causes are low nitrates and inadequate flow. Also a symptom of dirty water or filters. 1. It is thought that levels of nitrate between 8-15ppm and even as high as 20ppm is an adequate range. This is to be checked first if there is BGA issue. 2. Also erythromycin/maracyn will nuke the stuff. But it will/could also negatively effect the biological filter 3. Blue Green Algae Remover' Ultralife Blue-Green Algae Remover is a revolutionary time tested product that will effectively and safely remove blue-green algae from your tropical fish and freshwater invertebrates. Safe for all tropical fish, freshwater invertebrates and plants. The results will amaze you. 4. Doing a 3-4 day complete black out will kill the stuff. It is recommended to add and airstone for the allotted time. Also wise to dose nitrates before and after treatment.
  17. Wow, great looking tank, very dense. I like that stone that you have in the centre piece. What is it and where did you find it?
  18. Thanks for the help guys. After a long headache i tried a different computer. Seems that my apple won't do it as easily as a PC. Thanks for the info though, i'm sure I will refer back to it in no time.
  19. thanks for posting, that is the most unique tank i've ever seen.
  20. I second the Green fire Tetras. They are interesting looking and very good schoolers. I second the Endlers for a small tank, as they are small, very energetic. Don't school much but are all busy individually searching and scouring. I really enjoy them in my 5 gallon. Nothin new sorry
  21. You are right. That is why I'm going to start out by turning my lights on only for 6hrs or so each day after the sun has past. I'm east facing and I figure it gets 2-4 hrs of sunlight.
  22. Ya I like that Zebra stone but not exactly what i'm looking for. Seiryu would be perfect, if you remember the forum send the link my way. As for filtration I think you are right, I'll give that a go first and can always add the ecco later. Thanks
  23. I flippin hate staghorn. And usually just chop the leaves where it exists. The link i provided is pretty good. My experience with stag is that it lives predominantly in low flow areas, and in places where the plants are closest to the lighting. In my small tanks i tend to get it on leaves closest to the surface as they are only inches away from the strip light. In one tank i had crypts from one side of the tank to the other. And only one bulb. The crypts that were out of the direct lighting(almost shaded) didn't get any stag, while the ones in direct were infested. One last thing, i had a fairly algae clear tank, went away on holidays, so no WC for 10 days, and a friend that overfed, plenty of stag when i got back. So dirty water might be something too. Good luck http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/algae.htm
  24. Could this be added to my journal section
  25. devocole

    Wood Java

    Could this be added to my Journal Section
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