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Posts posted by Noodles

  1. Let me know if you find anyone that's good to order from. I found spencer jacks price to be crazy and then the shipping on top of it. Eeek

    Spencer's prices are not too bad compared to any LFS I've been to. And shipping through him is way cheaper than any other place I've ordered from, but if you're still worried then do a group order and split the shipping up.

    What are you looking for? It might help to do a wanted ad and see if someone has what you want.

  2. Are you keeping only cyp fry in this tank? If so I wouldn't seperate them. My fry did a lot better when there were lots of them together (50+). They school in the thousands in the wild so that's how they're most comfortable.

  3. If you shine a flashlight on the side shell in the dark, you might be able to see some fry movement inside the shell. They're pretty tiny fry!! The female will start coming out for a quick bite of food at feeding time once the fry start moving around.

    Also a word of caution: careful where you put your hands when you're doing a water change or rearranging inside the tank, if you get too close to the shell your hand will get attacked!!

  4. What's the footprint of the tank? (3 or 4'?)

    Frontosa are awsome, but unless you have a 6'+ tank I'd stay away from mixing them with smaller fish. You'll regret it. The tretocephalus would be a much better addition to your tank than a front.

    A small group of cyprichromis would be a great substitute for the danios if you're going for a tang community. A personal must for a tang tank though is a group of synodontis luccipinnis, they add a lot of life and character to the tank.

  5. I think you should give (L 75) hemiancistrus sabaji a try. Really cool looking pleco, and from what I've read they produce alot of fry.

    Currently breeding:

    Tropheus Moori Kasanga

    Cyprichromis microlepidotus bulu pt.

    Callochromis pleurospillus "flame rainbow"

    Albino Bn pleco

    Coming soon:)

    Super red bn pleco

    L 260 queen arabesque


  6. if you strip them some will not hold their fry full term on their own and then you always have to strip them later on.

    This is a myth. Many new mothers will swallow eggs, it just takes a couple tries sometimes to get the hang of it.

    I have no personal experience on the matter, but I've heard if you strip momma, not to put her in the tank with the babies, because she will collect them again. If you strip mom, but her back in the main tank.

    Certain species of fish do not pick up fry once released (or stripped), but peacocks are excellent holders and will pick up thier fry if they escape (or mechanically escape:))

  7. If you let her hold to term and spit in the tank she will probably hold just over 30 days. most troph keepers will strip around 21 days and put the fry in a 10g ect(if they want to keep as many fry as possible), the fry will be free swimming but still have a little egg sack still remaining.

    congrats on the fry:)

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