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Posts posted by Wackinator

  1. lol thanks for the warning Jason, and I hope there is no sagging nor breaking as I am really starting to like the tank in my room, right now its the only one in my room apart from a 3 gallon shrimp tank and I know I won't be getting any more tanks for a long time.

  2. Hey guys, I haven't really posted here lately but that's because I haven't really done anything lately.

    At the moment the only real tank I have is another 33 with some F2 electric yellows, rustys, and bumblebee catfish.

    I had bought another 33 gallon which I had planned to set up months ago but literally days after getting it, I had to overstock it with fish everyone here had donated for the flood relief. Thankfully most of those fish have been sold, the ones that are left will be put on the auction so keep an eye out for them!

    Now that the tank is empty I decided to set it up today, really scared that the table its on might not hold it but the person that sold it to me didnt gimme the stand >.> sorta my fault, should have confirmed that the stand in the pic was also included, but oh well filled the tank 80% today so heres hoping I don't flood the room! Another reason to worry is that the tank is apparently not on an even surface, the water is 0.3" higher on one side of the tank than the other! is that dangerous?

    I have posted the pics of the progression so far but photography was never one of my talents and will start to cycle it tomorrow, still need to figure out which filters I am using for this tank and also need to find a heater, have had a lot of unexpected expenses lately so keeping an eye out for one cheap.

    Main question is about the table, if you guys think its too weak or what? Its held a 20 gallon and a 10 gallon on it before but I am really worried about this tank.

    Then I am thinking of what to put in it, I have a stock list I really really like but willing to make changes if it won't work out.

    Main fish for this tank would be 2-4 juvenile Angels, if I am lucky enough to get a pair later on then the others will be moved.

    a trio of swordtails and a school of around 10 cories.

    Is that a reasonable stock in means of aggression?

    Thanks guys!









  3. A question that I have always wondered and now I might need to ship fish so am really curious how you do it?

    I know how to pack them and get them ready for shipping but what do you do?

    Put them in styrofoam container and just take it to a fedex or something?

    Any help is appreciated, which companies transport live fish? How much does it normally cost?


  4. Thanks for the link Morphine but solar panels look pretty expensive, and the article does mention that the approximate cost would be 100+.

    I have got a nice DIY filter for pump idea already, saw something similar to it on youtube a long time ago, if I was to build one I would give that one a try first but thanks :)

    An update: The day I set up the pond I got to test it for the first time because it rained like hell (and apparently there was hail). I got 4 tiny goldfish from the feeders section at Pisces. I know that a 20 gallon is over stocked with 1 big and 4 tiny goldfish but I suspect some will be dying in the next couple of days as I don't expect the feeders to be in the best condition. Also have the 3 minnows in there as I really like how they look/act in a pond better than the tank, am really worried about the goldfish swallowing them but they seem too fast for him, and they occupy the top while the big goldfish mainly stays at the bottom levels. Also added one water lettuce floating plant, and a bunch of plastic plants as I was afraid of birds noticing and attacking my fish. Will be adding pictures soon and looking for Pond plants so if anyone has any let me know.


  5. You could also get a solar power mini thing I think I've seen them at canadian tire for camping with any outlet. I don't know if i'm dreaming this up or what but you could try that?!

    really? I'll have to look into that, I really hope that your not dreaming as it sounds pretty amazing!


  6. LOL yeah this hobby has taken over my house hold to the displeasure of my parents.

    I look at my house and wonder how I have 4 tanks in my room (one on the floor), 1 in my brothers room and one downstairs as it took forever to convince my parents to let me get my first 10 gallon tank, it all started with a walmart 20 dollars one gallon tank =D pretty sure my parents have their regrets at the 'innocent' 1 gallon tank.

    I keep on reinvesting the money back into my fish hobby from any profit I make off fish. Thats how I got the 35 gallon, the 20 gallon, the 7.5 gallon and now the 20 gallon bucket lol.

  7. Thanks JVision!

    I will keep an eye out but I am so confused how I can run an extension wire (and I hadn't thought about an all weather one at all, Thanks!) from where the pond is to where the outlet is.

    I am not too worried about a pump as from what I have seen they aren't that expensive. Just need to get the outlet thing figured out, after that it seems pretty straight forward.

    Thanks for all your help!

  8. Thanks Jvision and I will keep my eye open for them but not sure what exactly I need, because I have a very good DIY filter I can make myself, just need the pump, but then I cant find an outlet to plug it into >.>

    I can definitely fit a flower pot in there and I was thinking of a lotus but wasn't sure how big it would get.

    Duckweed and Water sprite are a good idea thanks :) I hope someone has them for sale here as I don't really like getting plants from Pet stores, small portions are charged a lot there >.>


    I also forgot to mention that I will be doing 20-40% water changes every 10 days or when ever it needs it. Or thinking of doing 50% every 2 weeks. And is my stocking okay for 1 medium sized goldfish and 2 small goldies?


  9. So I picked up a small bucket (20-25 gallons) that can hold my goldfish for now.

    I know its pretty pathetic but I am actually pretty excited about it, I like the place where I put it in the yard and I want to stock it with plants and fish but I really dont know where to start from.

    My main worry right now is protecting it from cats and birds, there are magpies and ravens in the neighborhood and I don't want my fish to be an expensive snack for them. I am not too worried about cats, as my neighbor has 3 but they dont really come where I put the bucket, and it will be hard for them to fish in there as it's 16-18 inches deep.

    What I want to do is have a lot of floating plants and a lot of oxygenators. I cannot put a filter on it as there is no outlet over there but will probably end up doing something about it next month (maybe move the pond to where theres an outlet, or use an extension wire). Any suggestions?

    I filled it with water and tomorrow will put in 3 small minnows that are native to Alberta, after a week or when I have plants to cover the top I will put in the goldfish. If everything is going well I will be getting one or two more SMALL goldies, and I will be trading them in every time they get bigger for a smaller one.

    The only one I will keep permanently is the one I have right now.

    If anyone can help me with what kind of plants I can put in there, or can spare some plants of either floaters or oxygenators then please let me know.


  10. UPDATE: The Stock tank idea has been put off for next year at the earliest as I don't think its the best time for me to start something that big. But to house my goldfish i have got a 20-25 gallon 'pond'. I will be starting a thread for that so please check it out as I have a couple of questions.


  11. Another option that I have thought about, might actually get a chance to start something this weekend as that is when the camp I am volunteering at ends.

    Still prefer to keep it a nano but thinking about the other tank as well right now. Still confused as to how many shrimps I can put per gallon though.


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