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Lana Bollers

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Posts posted by Lana Bollers

  1. LOL, yup they do cross breed, so far my fry are all orange, and are starting to obtain that black stripe on their dorsal fin (some are). some have barring too that is now coming in... I guess when they want to dance they don't care who their partner is...LOL...

  2. Your tank might be to warm for them, and they don't care for a lot of water movement. Those are the only things I can think of, as for the fungus, it probably grew faster while in your home due to the warmer water. He was probably sick before you got him.

    I have purchased Betta's from Londondary PJ's and they were fine... just really watch them, some of them are not in good shape, my guess is from being in those damn cups side by side other males....

    but that is my opinion and I am sticking to it.

    I would do a good water change, and treat that water because you will not want the new fish obtaining that "fungus"

    Sorry for your loss!

  3. I agree the saulosi's are a very nice choice, although I think the females appear orange rather then yellow.

    Good quality electric yellows are hard to find, often times you will find the ones with barring or appear to be sooty (look dirty). You wont know for sure until they mature what they will look like.

    I have found the demsoni to be very agressive in my tank, so I got rid of them.

    Another reason why it is nice to have a single species tank, is that there will be no hybridization. Which right now I have fry which are hybrid, electric yellow/saulosi... they are only good for food and nothing else.

    If you try to sell hybrids you will end up with a bad rep and people will not want to purchase fish from you. So it is something to always keep in mind.

    I am like you I love the blue and yellow contrast...it looks great together!

  4. Do you only have the one canester?

    If you do chances are high that your tank is going through a mini cycle.

    Their is no circulation of the water except on the surface it sounds like, I would add a small airstone.

    you may also want to add a couple tablespoons of either pickling salt/epson salt or aquarium salt this will put a slime coat on your fish and help protect them from the high nitrite levels.

    It also helps when they are stressed.

    Your plants will help with the nitrite/nitrate levels.

  5. Stability helps "stabilize" your tank, it seems to me that your tanks are fairly new, this helps them when they are cycling and can also be used when you have ill fish. I always have stability on hand, and yes it is by Seachem. When you are doing a large water change I would highly recommend it, it does not do the same thing as prime therefore can not replace prime. You can not over dose the stability either. In my new tanks I pour it right into the filter, then dose it daily for several days.

    With stability I believe one cap full does 10gal, but you can double or quadrople that when your tank is new. With prime it is one capful for 50gal, so you would only require a little less then half a capful for your 20gal, and even less for your 10gal, no sense using more prime then what is required, there is no added benefit to it, it just ends up costing you more in the end.

    The airstone helps circulate the water, I have them in my 29gal tanks, as well as HOB filters, so the water is obtaining lots of movement, this ensure's oxygen to the fish.

    It seems to me if your fish are gasping near the top of the aquarium this could be a sign of high nitrites, if you don't have plants you may want to concider something even if it is short term, to help control the nitrites.

  6. Welcome to the Board Captain!

    I would love to see photos of your tank. I am not a green thumb and I can about manage to kill any plant... so I live through your tanks....lol... as for my tank, they have all been converted to plastic plants...lol, we have one plant that seems to be doing well...YEAH, however I sold that tank, and I think it had a lot to do with the light...ugh a bug...


  7. If they are identicle twins there is no reason why they can not live, if they were siamese then that would be another story...

    once the yoke sack is gone they are two seperate fish, so keeping them alive until that point would be the hardest part...

    keep us updated, this is facinating, partly because I am an identicle twin myself...hehe

  8. Welcome to AA, once you have posted a few times it will let you have access to that forum, why don't you post some photos of your oscar, do you have any other fish? How many tanks do you have?

    Again welcome.

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