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Lana Bollers

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Posts posted by Lana Bollers

  1. Great photos!

    My daughter wants a sea horse so bad... I told her we have enough horses...LOL... the one's outside are a lot easier to care for, although the vet bills can be costly...

    She saw one at Big Al's on Sunday she fell in love with... but I know nothing about salt water and was told these lil guys can be tough.

  2. Redwater is not to far from Morinville, Maybe I can buy some of them off of you. It won't be till next week tho, This week is booked pretty tight. How much do you want for them.

    Oh poop you can just have them... when ever is fine too... I know the family day weekend, the kids have soccer on Saturday, but I am free Sunday and Monday...

    Forgot to mention they are fed NLS, so was mom and dad...


  3. I don't have any yellow labs left right now, The only reason I did'nt keep them is the dad is f2 and mom is f1. As soon as I get rid of the 2 f2's that I have I will be keeping some of the fry. Any of the fish I feed these guys can't be larger than 1/2-3/4" as they are only about 1.5" now. Even at 3/4" the fry last in the tank for a while, If these guys don't get them the African butterflies get them when they go to the top of the tank.

    The one's I have are not very big, they were just spit on Sunday...so you could call them newborns...lmao

  4. I will trade you some hybrid electric yellow's for the yellows that are purbred as food... I would keep the purebred in my tank, but the hybrid, my daughter would not let her spit in the tank, so now I have these stupid hybrids to get rid of. they are saulosi/electric yellow (white belly morph) mix 50/50.

  5. They're definately oddballs. I picked them up at the LFS here in Morinville, The guy had no idea what they were they just came in with his last order as a bonus. He had them labeled leopard pike, (cheap too). It was kind of like a rescue, He had them in a 40gal tank with 3 JDs, 4 severums, 2 parrots, 6 or 8 mixed africans, and a nasty flowerhorn.

    All I know now is tank, ph, feeding, tankmates, nocturnal hunters, and that they belong to the anabantid family.

    I didn't even know morinville had an LFS...hahaha

    What size do they get to, do you know?

    what do they like to eat?

  6. I agree use painted or stained plywood, handles water spills way better.....lol

    Not only that particle board just is flimsy...easy to break crap in my opinion and I am not a carpenter by any means.

    All particle board is, is sawdust glued together, it gets wet the glue can not hold it starts to fall apart, if the tank is to heavy it will just bust anyway whether or not if it is wet... just not a good idea to use cheap wood.

    I know that is not what you wanted to hear.... sorry about that.

    Love your drawings though, you did a fantastic job on them.

    Oh as for playwood you may want to obtain a good 3/4" thick.

  7. Cories are not "scavengers" - they are bottom feeders and can be very fun fish to watch. Most of them are easy to keep but you must have a school to witness their behaviour. Although siamese algae eaters are great for eliminating some kinds of algae, they do get large - 4" plus if they are fed well.

    I recommend you look into the next spenser order, he has some nice fish on his list which inlcude tetra's, molly's etc...

    I obtained some albino cory's from him and they are awesome! They are fast and just plain interesting to watch. He has several varieties of pleco's as well. Often times you can obtain better quality at a better price from Spenser or natures corner.

    Congo tetras are nice, and obtain beautiful finage. I have found guppies to be hard keepers. Tetras are easier keepers for the beginner. Just my two sense. There are tons of varieties of tetras too.

    Happy Shopping!

  8. I have blue moorii dolphins, kipili fronts and had some deep water haps together and they did very well together, now I have kind of a hines 57 mixture, one very large moorii dolphin, one male lemon jake, one female lemon jake, three electric yellows and one electric blue male. All so far have been getting along great. They range in size from about 2" to 8".

    But I loved it when I had the first setup...

  9. I agree with Jason.

    When obtaining cichlids one rule of thumb is to not mix the lakes.

    So if you are after Malawi cichlids, stay away from victorian... that sort of thing, but what the previous owner has done is mixed countries...LOL... If you wanted you could obtain a larger tank now, some good deals on here and kijiji... just look for them. Get that tank cycled, put your african's in the larger tank and if you like your twins, keep them in the smaller tank...

    You maybe able to add some more south american's with the twins.

    Just another option.

  10. Nice looking moorii. I would keep a close eye on him with your juvies in that tank, as peaceful as many state this species is, my experience has been quite the opposite.

    The fronts are about 3 - 3.5" in length, the smallest fish I have in there is an electric yellow.. it is about 2" so far he has not bothered with any of them, they swim around him and he just sits there...

    But that can change as he becomes more comfortable with the tank... although the tank is large 120gal, and is only holding 9 fish right now, with him being the largest... lots of hiding places within the holy rock, tunnels and drift wood... so hopefully it all stays good and quiet in that tank...

    knock on wood...real hard!

  11. Lana, glad you like him. He looks like he's making himself right at home in your tank.

    OMG, I don't like him I LOVE him! He is the biggest fish I own right now, and just stunning...he looks like the one that I fell in love with when I was first looking at fish, the one that I said, I WANT SOME OF THOSE!!!

    Here is that picture, this photo was taken off of the web...

    I can not express my thanks enough, I just love this guy!


  12. Welcome to the board,

    lots to learn from her and some very knowledgable people.

    Is your tank already set up?

    Are you new to fish?

    The reason why I ask is if you are new and the tank is not setup, we will try and help you so you don't

    suffer from new tank syndrom and loose all your new fish...


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