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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Well that was easy. Thanks!
  2. My girlfriend has some honey gourami's and is interested in getting them to spawn. Anyone with experience in this? Also I have a zebra nerite snail that has laid eggs on some driftwood, yet, no hatching. Tips?
  3. Hey there, I have a tank that I have on a stand (bowfront), and the water line is at a bit of an angle. The setup is on carpet on the main floor of a rented house. Is this something I should be concerned about? It's a 25 gallon tank. I was thinking of just sliding something underneath the tank to even it out, is this discouraged or recommended?
  4. Carinotetraodon


    I'm especially fond of fresh water fish of the non-cichlid variety. I do enjoy cichlids as well, simply don't keep them myself. How do I gain access to the buy and sell forums? I am looking to purchase a 20-25 gallon tank that is tall.
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