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Everything posted by swimalong

  1. OK, i have gone ahead and started with this, onto day 4 now, fish seems happier and more lively, however the white area on the head is still present. i think it might be helping... we'll see after a few more days. thanks...
  2. Hi, Need some quick advice on how to treat my julii cory cat who in the past few days I have noticed has a cottony white appearance on his head, he also seems to be almost quivering or perhaps this is rapid breathing; just did 50% water change; I have heard salt treatment is not great for corys, what do you recommend using? Thanks
  3. Well I did used to have higher numbers of these fish when they were first added to my tank (many months ago now). Not all of them survived although I dont think there was any particular problem in my tank. A lot of pet store fish are lacking in quality IMHO and so i am starting to try to avoid buying from any pet store. But as I don't know too many breeders of these small tropicals it doesn't leave much choice. I decided to go with some more danios (got 6) and a couple more corys and found some nice ones yesterday. Still considering adding in some others for variety and upping the schools but waiting to see how these go and of course not wanting to add too much at once. Adding in a cichlid seems odd but I guess a lot of people do this with success.? Going to research all of this more...
  4. welcome ..... it's a great hobby! :thumbs:
  5. Definitely interested.... thanks... (PM'd)
  6. Hi, Looking for suggestions for my existing 20g tropical tank. there are currently 2 male cherry barbs and 2 zebra danios, plus 2 cory cats and an albino bn pleco. Tank still seems bare (had guppies before but most were lost from a heater/temp problem), so wondering what else might be compatible and happy in this small community tank? TIA
  7. thanks everyone.... so nice to find a local board !
  8. hi Robin, i'm new here too... no expert but i have heard those test strips are inaccurate, you should use the drop kind, you will get a much better reading. doing weekly water changes is always a good thing...many people neglect to change the water... cats can be difficult, i've had troubles with them too not long ago, i had purchased 6 and lost half of them in the first few days...could be bad stock, not sure... i really watch to make sure i feed enough wafers now & watch that they are finding the food... wonder if they starve easily? i too head down to watch my tanks after kids are in bed.. LOL... it is such a relaxing change from the hectic day, huh? :smokey: take care
  9. Hi.... I am a new member on this forum, been keeping fish for a year and a half, i have 3 tanks all quite different: started with fancy goldfish, they are in a 55 gall tank, then added some small tropicals in another smaller tank (barbs, guppies, danios, albino plec); my most recent 3rd tank I have had 10 months with cichlids of a few varieties....this tank was purchased used with a strange assortment of fish: blood parrot pair, jack dempsey, silver dollars, red tail shark, and 2 africans... not very compatible species in a 72 gall and quite overcrowded IMO. I have given away most of those inhabitants and recently decided to switch it all to African and I am now enjoying some new msobos, yellow labs, eye biters, brichardi, and giant danios.... I find fish so fun to sit and watch and a very relaxing hobby. Plus being allergic to most typical domestic pets, fish work well for me. :thumbs:
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