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Everything posted by roypark05

  1. I've always kept various species of Pseudotropheus with Jewels. The largest any of those fish get is approx 6" and I find most Pseudotropheus species are as aggressive and tough as Jewels. The Magunga pictured in my avatar is currently in a 75 gallon with other mbuna and 2 jewels. The Magunga is the dominant mbuna and he and the dominant jewel basically split the tank in half. When they see each other they both want to act tough but it never goes very far. QUESTION: is there any chance anyone has a link to an article in the news about the jewels in the banff hot springs? That is seriously a crazy story!!!
  2. Thanks a lot guys but in all honesty it really only adds to my confusion when differentiating Hemichromis species!
  3. I swung by at about 8:20 am and saw the sign on the door saying the store opens at 10 am. Still, eventhough it wasn't set to open for almost 2 more hours, there were a half dozen cars waiting in the lot. I decided not to join them.
  4. Yeah he's a damn nice Front...where did I get him again?
  5. Metriaclima Gnome...he's an F1 I bought off someone on here, pretty rare fish from what I gather. He's the big pseudotropheus looking thing with the very yellow under-belly. Check out 2:11 on the video.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hJpCfn7BoE
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hJpCfn7BoE
  8. Oh and while we're at it, see my avatar? OB Peacock, right? So is it an Aulonocara "Peacock" or what??? And another question since I'm already bugging you...are all OB cichlids hybrids?
  9. That's be the guy. I bought him as an OB Zebra, but I never knew the species name. I figured it was something more scientific sounding than just Metriaclim "Zebra". LOL. Thanks for the link!
  10. I can never resist the urge to mix. The best I could do this time around was stick to Africans...I had a nasty habit of mixing Africans and SA/CA's all the time.
  11. For those of you who have also seen my hemichromis thread on this board, you may be starting to wonder if I ever know what the hell I have in my aquariums. LOL, true to a degree I suppose. Any help identifying the species of this cichlid is much appreciated:
  12. Hemichromis Lifallili is a little more distinguishable, but I have trouble telling the difference between guttatus and bimaculatus. I had a jewel before (a tough, scrappy little bugger) here are a couple pics: I have 2 jewels now that look slightly different (less spangles, redder) here are a couple pics of them: So which is which or are they the same? Any help is much appreciated.
  13. I put them up on facebook... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1834...mp;id=694310033 But I dunno how the albums work on here it seems like I can't add photos.
  14. It is neat to see the different "forms" a cichlid can take!
  15. Interesting aquarium you have listed in your sig line. How do the cichlids you have get along with each other? I'd like to hear about it...which one is dominant? Any good scraps? Is your "flowerhorn parrot" a cross between flowerhorn and a parrot?
  16. I've seen them do that before. I have 2 male jewels right now and the smaller one usually always has brown stripes/spots when I turn the light on in the morning, but for 95% of the rest of the day he'll be bright red. I find jewels can be awful finicky with their colour. I used to have one little lifalili that would get redder than any other jewel I ever saw, but it would happen so rarely and he was so bland 99.99% of the rest of the time that I traded him off first chance I got haha
  17. Not really all the ammonia should be bound up with hypochlorite in the form of chloramines. Put it this way though: the potential for ammonia exists.
  18. It does seem that way doesn't it...look no further than the flowerhorn for case and point. My avatar is the OB Peacock I have. He is quite aggressive, although one of my OB Fulleborni just knocked him down a peg.
  19. Oh yeah I removed him long ago. I've since traded him off. He was a cool looking fish and I wanted to keep him, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
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