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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Tarolisol

  1. Well A little more growth still looking for the right plants and rocks to add. In habitants are 2 Pearl Gourami 2 Peacock Gudgeon 5 Golden White Cloud Minnows 1 Cory of somesort
  2. Well the hair algae is dieing off and i figure the other algae was due to the fact my filter was clogged a bit and the water output was very minimal.
  3. Everything is growing really well, almost to well. Except the "cuba" stuff. Algea likes to cover it and i just cant seem to get it do do anything.
  4. Another update so far so good, ive added a uv sterilizer. A little hair algea and some green cyno but not to bad.
  5. I kind of figured it wouldnt work. Thanks for the answers.
  6. Its water tight, push fittings are typically pretty good for that. Im pretty sure its my yeast. Sucks I wasted all that sugar.
  7. Just wondering if lobsters or crayfish or plant safe?
  8. Ill check my yeast, I dont think there would be a leak, if you check out my 90g tank journal theres a picture of it. Its all push fittings and bulk heads.
  9. I did it based off that website, Im thinking my yeast has gone bad because its been lalmost 24hrs and nothing. Its 3 pop bottles and the diffuser is a little power head.
  10. How long does it take for CO2 to come out of a DIY co2.
  11. Well a little progress, Ive got wood in and will start planting and getting some rocks in, also I have built a temporary DIY co2 untill I get all the parts for the pressurized one put together.
  12. So far the sand and soil are working well but im sure it will mix together eventually, at least they are the same colour. Wood and rocks will be put in today or tomorrow. Not sure on fish yet, probably a school or cardinal tetra, rainbows, and some rams.
  13. Well ive decided to set up a 90g planted tank and thought It would be nice to have you all follow along. Ive been doing Salt water reefs for years and have only had small FW tanks, Things have switched now and although 90g isnt huge im sure its only the beggining. Heres the start. 90G tank Fluval FX5 Coralife 4x65w fixture I am waiting to find a CO2 setup(pressurized) but for now am using florish exel. Substrate is Aqual Soil with target sand on top. Plants are Hygrophila polysperma(I think), Limnophila sessiliflora(I think), Hemianthus callitrichoides. For Now
  14. Does anyone know where to get some 65w PC lights for a planted tank in Calgary?
  15. If theres an Industrial paint and plastics store in Edmonton that would be the place to go. I used epoxy resin on a large vivarium to make the bottom water proof and worked perfect, i know a guy who used similer stuff on a 300g plywood tank and had it for years. buy any chanse are they called viking plastics? We have a store in calgary called "industrial paint and plastics" http://www.ippnet.com/ Industrial Plastics & Paints - 780-465-6764 6628 50 Street NW , Edmonton , AB T6B 2N7 heres yours.
  16. If theres an Industrial paint and plastics store in Edmonton that would be the place to go. I used epoxy resin on a large vivarium to make the bottom water proof and worked perfect, i know a guy who used similer stuff on a 300g plywood tank and had it for years.
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