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Posts posted by sherlock

  1. I have had this with mine as well and usually it is one of two things,

    1) remove the quick disconnect from the lid and check the intake port on the filter, if there is something caught up in there like some leaves or dead fish it will cause a vortex or swirling motion as the water enters the filter producing noise and air bubbles. Sounds corny but its happened to me, once I removed the debris from the intake port everything was good.

    2) you may have an air pocket at the top of the filter. When I fill my canister up I release one of the clamps till the water just starts to come out the top, then I quickly lock it back up, that way you are 100% sure the canister is totally full of water.

    Another thing to check is the cap that screws on the top of the intake tube, if it is not completely tight it will suck air and cause alot of noise and bubbles.

  2. I had a geophagus red head tapajos with a white cottony growth growing on his side. I put him into a 10 gallon hospital tank and started treating with maracyn and maracyn II as was suggested in various forums. He was doing well other than the growth when he went into the tank, but this morning after two days of treatment he was dead :cuss:

    I am not sure what happened, yesterday the growth looked to be going down and then he took a turn for the worse when I added the second dose of meds. I am sure the meds killed him.

    Did I maybe over-medicate with the combo or was I supposed to only give half the dosage when using two meds??

  3. Would there not be a conflict with rams/apistos with the geo's, seeing how they are all lower tank fish? So far I have;

    5 -Geo orange heads

    6 -congo tetras

    6 -roseline sharks

    6 -philipine blue angels (coming from fairdeal)

    3 -syno multi's

    Still looking for more ideas or should I leave this alone now?

  4. I also had this problem even with a clean foam. As goofy as it sounds, you have to push the foam all the way down in the cage until the four "locking" tabs are positioned on the top of the foam. They will not hold the foam down if you don't do this. I also put a rock on top of the media to help. Even doing this, when that foam gets clogged, it is coming up.

  5. That is more or less the direction I was thinking as well. I was thinking of 6 angels, 4-6 g. altifrons, and a group of congos. I am sure that I may be able to fit more in there, but I am not quite sure what yet. There is currently 3 s. multipunctatus which would be staying. Would throwing some rams in work or would the bottom be to full with the geo's?

  6. I am looking to start over in my 180 gallon. Currently I have the bigger, more aggressive cichlids, ie, red terror, texas etc. I would like to start a more mellow less messy tank such as an angel/geophagus combination. I am looking for some ideas on some possible combinations that would work in keeping with the SA theme.

  7. My Bristlenose pleco's are starting to suck at keeping my glass free of algae, not sure if they are lazy or scared to come out. What do you guys prefer, a scraper or the mag-float. Right now I am using the scraper but I am not to impressed with the results. Lets hear some pros and cons of each method.

  8. What kinds of tests can you do to find out if the water is good? My concern is mainly with the iron content, I have heard of some pretty heavy iron content from some wells. I know that you can run the water thru some conditioners, but what does that do to the quality?

  9. I may be looking to move out to the country in the future and was wondering what people do to condition the water. I am pretty sure that using well water is not a good thing and packing city water home is not my idea of a good time. I have a 180 gallon tank and use the python system for that very reason. Emptying and filling with pails is not an option anymore. I don't really want to give up on fish keeping so I hope someone can give me some advise.

  10. I am so glad I joined this site. It has a lot of "crazy" fish people like me haha. Perfect. I've traded with members already, I've bought and sold with members already. I've gotten and given advice from members already. I've picked up fish that I never heard of before off members. Never will I buy off Big Al's again and let them make me feel stupid for asking questions, I am free! No suggestions, just really love being a part of Alberta Aquatica!!!!!


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