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Everything posted by Fergy

  1. Thanks for the tips. I think I'd like to build an above tank basking area eventually, but in the meantime maybe I'll just get some cork bark until I can set up something better, assuming it's not too pricey.
  2. Great link grandpoohbah, lots of good ideas on there. And slough shark, do you know where I would be able to find 'cork bark' in edmonton? I've never seen it before. I didn't know they made a safe underwater epoxy like that either.. Good to know, thanks!
  3. I have my red eared slider in a 55 gallon, but the water isn't as deep as I, or he, would like to allow him maximum swimming area while still being able to sun himself.. My turtle is fairly large, about 6-7 inch long shell, so most 'floating' commercial docks don't quite fit the bill. Just curious if anyone has any ideas, or any experience with anything like this? I had been thinking about getting a bunch of slate and just stacking it, but that won't be too cheap and will take up a decent size foot print in the tank. It's open top so I had considered something of a platform that would hook on the top edge for support, but have no idea where to start if I wanted to make one. Any help or ideas are appreciated.
  4. Yeah.. I've heard that MTS are good, but have never seen any, anywhere.
  5. That's what I assumed, since turtles do snack on snails in the wild. And I've read that common pond snails can get out of hand pretty quickly.. So I should probably refrain from adding any to my other tanks. Thanks for the input.
  6. No thoughts from anyone?
  7. I just discovered today that my red eared slider has some new tank mates... Not sure where they came from, probably the used gravel in the tank. Which is weird since I rinsed it thoroughly and it's been in the tank for months... But, anyways to the point. Does anybody know if snails with a turtle is a bad mix? I pick a couple of his shell today.. could that pose problems? And I'm not positive if they're pond snails. The biggest ones are .5 cm at best, they have a transparent brown shell with a pattern like black veins on it? How would these snails do in a planted tank? Would they eat plants or just help with the cleanup crew? And are they fairly easy to control population-wise?
  8. I had raised the temp a few degrees and picked up an ich med (nox ich), and foolishly dosed the tank with less than half the recommended dose before carefully looking at the ingredients and realizing that 50% of the active ingredients is salt. I've lost one cory and 3 barbs... no signs of ich, but I think it may be due to stress/secondary infections for the barbs. For the cory I would almost certainly say it was a combination of the harsh meds and the salt. Live and learn, I suppose.
  9. I have a HOB filter and a 12" air stone.. should be enough I think, along with daily 25% water changes.
  10. Thanks for the reply but I forgot to mention the tank is planted... And I didn't realize at first when I was asking, but I know scaleless fish (corys) are pretty sensitive to salt, and on further reading I found out salt and plants don't mix either. I've been slowly raising the temp today and will have to go pick up some meds to start treatment I suppose.
  11. I tried using the search function to find something, but searching for 'ich' isn't allowed because it's less than 4 letters... Anyways, Has anybody had success with this type of treatment? I've read here <html>http://www.aquahobby.com/articles/e_ich2.php</html> that raising the temp to about 86F for 10 days should solve the problem... This is a tolerable temp for most tropical fish and cichlids, isn't it? The tank currently has 1 bolivian, 2 bumblebee cichlids (not a good idea I know.. I thought they were yellow labs when I bought them. If anyone is interested to hesitate to pm haha), 7 tiger barbs, 1 dwarf gourami and a couple corys. As for the salt part of it... How much to add and what type? I've read table salt is a no because of the iodine, but also read that the iodine doesn't really affect the fish? What about sea salt? Or do I specifically need to go purchase aquarium salt? I'm just skeptical about the iodine part as I dose one of my other tanks with a small amount for my crayfish and I've never had a fish loss in that tank that wasn't crayfish related. Thanks for any help.
  12. I use the sponge that came with it, filter floss and ceramic rings in mine. Works very well, but everytime I shut it off for a water change, I have to pull it apart and clean out the motor or it won't start again... Stupid filter.
  13. Thanks for the replies. I'm in the middles of finals right now so I don't really have time to head to NC or anywhere that far away from me, so I picked up what I thought would be my best choice out of the limited selection at my LFS. I got the API powder general parasite remedy, and just dosed the second course. I did the first application 2 days ago and it seems to have helped considerably since then, so hopefully I've dealt with whatever it was.
  14. I have two (previously 3) bolivian rams. They were all eating well and get along just fine at first, then one spontaneously died. I've been checking all params carefully since then, and everything has been fine. The two surviving (1m/1f, not 100% on that though) I haven't seen eating anything for over a week. One is very dark in the body and the eyes, the other is lighter coloured. The darker one hides all day, and comes out almost immediately after I turn out the lights. The other one behaves normally, other than not eating. Both have a sort of stringy, white excrement. I've read that this could be an internal parasite of some kind? I went to get meds to treat internal parasites but could only find varieties to treat the external varieties at my LFS. Any real difference in the medications? Any thoughts would be very appreciated, thanks. Oh, and it's a 33gal with a HOB and small sponge filter, very lightly planted with the only current tank mate being a bronze cory who is very healthy.
  15. Thanks for the replies. I feel better now.
  16. So I've noticed my NLS cichlid pellets have "copper proteinate" listed as an ingredient... Does this mean I can't add any inverts to that tank while I still feed with that food?
  17. I picked up 3 bolivians the other day and they're adjusting to their new home. Still too small to tell for sure, but I think I've got 1m/2f. Only time will tell I suppose.
  18. I read 30 gallons in the original post.
  19. Depends on the type of cichlid. Sorry.. I was still talking about the bolivians.
  20. Thanks for the advice everyone. So is it easy for the layman to sex cichlids? Or will I just have to rely on the staff at whichever store I go to? Or even just have to buy a few and hope?
  21. So the quantity limitations is based more on territorality (is that a word?) than on fish size? I was just trying to go by the rough "inch of fish per gallon" for maximum stock. And if I were to keep a pair, do they spawn fairly regularly? I wouldn't mind try to breed them at some point in the future, but at this point in time I'm just too busy for trying my hand at that. Would just a single male be more preferable in that situation? Thanks a lot for the replies and the help. I'm still a long way from actually putting fish in the water. Still waiting for the flourite dust to settle and the tank to start cycling at this point. Want to get as much research as possible done in the meantime.
  22. So I think I've settled on the bolivian ram if possible, due mainly to the peaceful attitude, small size and cooler water temperatures. Any suggested tankmates? I was thinking 5-6? Would that be too much in a 33 gallon?
  23. I'm thinking out of those the rams would be my top choice, bolivian rams if possible.
  24. Can anyone help me out with species that max out at 4-5"? I'm setting up a planted tank so if they don't destroy plants that would help too. I've never kept cichlids before so any difficult species to keep might not be a good idea. Right now it's a 33gal and all I'm planning is plants and cichlids. Thanks for any info. :thumbs:
  25. Gotcha. I was going to completely change the water again, this just confirms that. Thanks guys.
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