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Posts posted by fleshgear

  1. that is really cool. some of the plants like anubias will be fine with the transition. the crypts might loose there leaves but then will regrow.

    in tissue culture pots it is very humid so they might be fine. worst case scenario should be that the plant would loose its leaves but then new ones would regrow.

    i want some of that now as well.

    they still dont have a good crypt selection.

  2. i have ob peacocks and a few other random cichlids in a 45 gallon tank and it is almost a medium planted tank. i have val's anubias, crinium, hornwart(floating) hygro angustifolia, java moss, java fern, crypts. all the plants are fine. the moss is constantly getting into the filter and plugging it up.

    all the plants are doing fine. when i put a giant C. balanase in there they dug it up, but the i replanted and it has been fine ever since

  3. everything seems fine the way it is. except for the bn pleco. but it might be ok. you could put a root tab under the plant. those plants will go into a dormant stage when it does that you should take it out of the tank and put it in a ziploc bag with some damp peat and leave it for 3- 6 months. i have never had any luck leaving the bulb in the tank during the dormant stage. they always rot away.

  4. i just switched a 46 gallon bow front from fresh to salt. i thought that i wasnt going to use a skimmer, but i have one now. you should see the stuff it takes out.

    i have a fluval 405 with the foam taken out. i have marine carbon, some small pieces of live rock ( a few trays worth), and some chemi-pure elite i dont know what that does, but it was recomended to me.

    as for lights i am using a 36" coralife pc 192w light with a 10,000k and an actinic bulb. some people say that is not enough, but i think it is a matter of where you place the coral

    when i asked this question a while ago people told me to buy a whole setup from someone who was getting out of the hobby. i didnt do that. i did buy pretty much all used stuff. but it still would have been cheaper to get all the stuff at one time.

    check out canreef they have really good deals

  5. i added a few fish last weekend to my pond. they are both still fine as well. i also have lots of circulation with a few water falls and an umbrella fountain.

    while i was building the water fall last weekend, when the pump was diverted from the falls the falls did freeze on the surface, but the was no ice on the main pond.

    i think they should be fine unless it snows a lot.

  6. Hi all. Well, after finally ridding my 20 gallon tank of the dreaded camallanus worm, I see it has now shown up in my 55 gallon! I was very careful about maintaining both tanks with separate tools, etc, but I may have inadvertently transferred the worms to my larger tank. Either that or I was unlucky enough to get 2 separate batches of fish with this parasite. Anyways, I had bought some levamisole powder from a seller on the BC Aquaria site, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of a seller in Calgary or Alberta. I have used the Jungle Parasite medicated food, but my fish don't readily eat it, so I'd prefer to just treat with the straight powder. I've also had a hard time finding livestock or pet dewormer with levamisole and don't want to go to the trouble or expense of going through a vet. Thanks!

    when i got those worms in my tanks i dosed all of the tanks even if there was no sign of the worms.

    i ordered mine from the states. it came fast.

    Charles Harrison in St Louis

    it is under items for sale

  7. hahha so manually removing it wont work? I was thinking of getting some to cover a shell dweller tank that gets too much light.

    you can, but you really have to stay on top of it. i would get a different light. or maybe some giant val or regular val. depending on the size and height of your tank. it will provide some nice shade as well as keep the tank healthier. i know shell dwellers dig constantly but once you find a place to get it rooted it will take off. also you could weight the plant down. i have plants in my shell dweller tank.

  8. java fern roots are normally dark brown. i dont know why in your 38 the java ferns would die that quick. maybe the plants were not healthy before you got them. swords and vals do not need high light. they wont grow as fast as they should, but they dont need it. in your 10 you have over 2wpg that is enough to grow almost anything, almost. swords and vals would be fine. get a sword. sometimes when you buy swords from lfs they are grown emersed (above water) and then they and you put them submersed. the emersed leaves will die, and new leaves will regrow. they never tell you this in the stores. get some cryptocorynes, they are the best plant ever. lol imo. as for fast growing plants you could try ludwigia, hygrophilia, (not compacta) limnophilia sesafloria, hornwart, guppy grass, just about any stem plants.

  9. your 10 gallon tank has a lot of light, one thing with the cfl light bulbs that you need to watch for is the "k" not all bulbs will list it. but warm white cfl's are about 2000k and cool white is about 4000k. what you want is the bright, or sunlight bulbs with as close as you can get to 6700k you can get some that are 6500.

    your plants are relatively slow growing. so they are more likely to get algae if everything is not balanced. you dont need that much light for those slow growing plants. you could put 13w 6500k bulbs or even the 9w 6500k. you should get some fast growing plants until your slow growing plants get going better. they will take up the nutrients that the algae needs.

    how long do you have your lights on for? you only need 12 hours especially with the higher light you are using on the 10 gallon. 8 hours would probably be enough.

    also where is the tank located? if it is getting direct sunlight that could also cause the algae problems.

    what kind of sub straight are you using?

  10. using the pots and the fiber rock in an aquarium doesn't really benefit the plant at all unless there is fish that dig up the roots. the reason they, and I use the plastic pots is that they either dont have a substrate and or are growing the plants emersed and are using a lot of ferts. the fiber rock gives the plants an ideal rooting medium.

  11. i buy mine from a hydroponic store. i am sure that all of those store sell them. they are $0.25 each they also sell rock fiber or rock wool or fiber grow, all the same stuff just different brands. which is about $0.25 each as well. it is a natural product so you only have to rinse it off, rip it in half so the fibers run vertically and put the roots in, and put it in your tank.

    they place that i go to in calgary will sell you 1 of each if you only wanted to buy 1 of each.

    or you could go to a craft store like Michaels and buy those little clay pots and just put some gravel in with the plant. they have some very small pots.

  12. C. aponogertifolia get 34-36 inches high, when it has ideal growing condition. i have it and average height is 24 inches. but every once and a while it gets bigger.

    i think it is one of the more sensitive crypts. if i trade any of it or eevn move it to another tank it melts. it does grow back though. they are a little bit hard to find. i got mine from the edmonton auction a few years ago. i think it was labeled wrong.

    other than that i have not seen it anywhere.

    the cordata's that i have are not that tall.

    also C. balansae. gets tall, and is more common. doesnt look as nice as the aponogetifolia.

    C. crispatula spiralis gets tall, but has skinny leaves

    C. usteriana gets tall, about 24 inches. i have never seen it any where. if you know where to get some, i want it.

    C. Hudoroi gets tall and is nice, but it is the same as the one above. i want it.

    Cryptocoryne albida. gets tall and is nice. and same as above it thought i had some, but now i dont think so. i want some

  13. I thought about breaking the cracked piece as well. I thought about using a wedge but it would flex the front and back piece. Those are the pieces I need to keep. Also there is a glass brace in the middle about 16 inches wide. Which I can only get a few inches seperated as well

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