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  1. Any suggestions on what is best for large piranah
  2. thanx but the big guy died to unfortunatley. The rest of the fish are ok thankfully. We have the water levels pretty close to being good now but we still need to watch I think. I guess sometimes you have to learn the hard way. I had no clue that they could get ammonia burns. Now that we know though , we know we have to watch for it.
  3. well unfortunatley you guys were right. Thx for the help . I will be keeping a closer eye on this. The tank was overstocked because a friend had brought her fish over in an emergency and we ended up fish sitting, way longer than we were supposed to. Unfortunatly my small oscar died which is a shame because he was my fav. We treated the water and will keep a close eye on it. Thanks again.
  4. it is really hard to seee from the pick but this is my small one. Today he looks like he lost his scales in the area where it looked rough. I tried to get a pic of the large one but it was to hard to get a good closeup. you can see where hte skin looks really pale in one spot
  5. it may have been some rocks for the fist one but the larger one is in a new tank that really doesnt have much i will try to get a good pic and post it shortly
  6. I have 2 smaller albino tiger oscars one of them looks like someone took sandpaper along his scales and his fins are very rough looking . We moved them out of the tank but now our larger Albino tiger oscar from the same tank has the same thing. All other fish look healthy including the small ones partner and the large ones partner. the samll one was lethargic yesterday but much better today, swimming around again and eating now. The large one is somewhat lethargic but not as bad. need help
  7. I have 2 smaller albino tiger oscars one of them looks like someone took sandpaper along his scales and his fins are very rough looking . We moved them out of the tank but now our larger Albino tiger oscar from the same tank has the same thing. All other fish look healthy including the small ones partner and the large ones partner. the samll one was lethargic yesterday but much better today, swimming around again and eating now. The large one is somewhat lethargic but not as bad. need help
  8. We just bought 4 fry of these guys at an auction. They are still pretty small, cant wait to see what they are going to look like. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for these guys it would be appreciated.
  9. thanx for this post i learned something new today....and no you should not interbreed cockatiels
  10. shelleyfellows


    new to this site , just htought i would say hi to all fish lovers
  11. i wa shaving the same problem question answered thx
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