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  1. Thanks Jason! that would be a nice start, I do like that plant. Any idea where I could get some? In edmonto that is. How do you encourage it to carpet?
  2. Thanks epiphany, for the response. Couple of quick questions, where can I get a sublaster light fixture (im in Edmonton)? In the mean time, is there a different bulb I can use? How often should I be adding ferts to the tank?
  3. Hi everyone, . I need a bit of help with some lighting and beginner plant suggestions. This isn't my first time with a plants tank, last year I turned my Edge into a planted tank. I used co2, the stock halogen lights and a life-glo CF. I had pretty good success for about six months, then the tank got put on the back burner and fell apart. The only thing that was left was the Anubis and java moss. I have started fresh, though I kept the Anubis and moss in my new tank. Currently I have a 15 gallon tank. Fluorite substrate, co2 and a stock full spectrum (came with the hood) 18" t5 fluorescent bulb. First off, I would like a suggestion for a "beginners" carpeting plant and some help with finding a suitable light. I'm doing this on a budget, so any help is appreciated. Like I said, I'm a beginner (I know a bit of the basics....but I am slowly learning though mistakes lol!) Thanks in advance. Vanessa
  4. Hi guys, I have set up a small CO2 unit, can I still run a small air stone along with the CO2? I have a betta in there that seems really unhappy. Thanks again
  5. I know it's been a while, but just wanted to tell you guys that Cecil survived! I didn't have the heart to euthanize him, I treated him pretty hard with some BettaFix and after about 14 days of treatment, he started eating. He has turned into quite the fish, quite aggressive actually and eat like a pig now. His fins are growing back and looking beautiful. Thanks again for all your support, expertise and suggestions!!
  6. First of all, I just want to thank everyone on the forum! You guys are such a great source of information! I'm looking for some beginner info in regards to a planted tank. I got a Fluval Edge a few weeks ago for a really good price, it's been set up for about a little over a month now. I have put some plants in there recently and am just looking for some tips and tricks to keeping my plants as I've never had good luck, but never really put much effort in it as well. Currently, I have two Anubias Nana's (each tied to some driftwood) and a bit (about a handful or so) of Java Moss, tied to a rock and another piece of driftwood. I would love to have a nice Sword in the back for a centre piece and some carpet plants as well, but aren't sure of what would be good for a beginner like myself. I am also looking for some information regarding lighting. The aquarium comes with two halogen bulbs and I've been searching for a used hood lamp (5 gallon size) on kijiji to add a spectrum bulb. Should this be sufficient?? Along with weekly fertalization? I don't know much about CO2, I just want to have some nice plants that won't turn to mush. Thanks for your imput guys, I appreciate it. Vanessa
  7. Hi guys, thanks again for all the help. I've been medicating him with the Betta Revive, today is day 3. I honestly thought that yesterday he was looking a bit better, however, on closer inspection today, I see that his anal fin is more chewed up and he is completely missing his pectoral fins. He can't swim all that well. He is also going up to the top for air quite a bit, which I can't really understand why. I got my water tested, it's fine, plus I'm doing 100% water changes and adding Prime. My day job is as an Animal Health Technologist, and naturally, I really can't stand seeing animals in pain and suffering, and I believe that with all I've tried with Cecil, I can't really do any more and he's suffering at this point. I've never had to do this......is there a humane way to euthanize a fish? I learned in school that you can use Alka Seltzer, and that freezing is considered inhumane....any tips? Thanks again everyone.
  8. Ugh......so... Thought things were going ok yesterday with Cecil...he was a bit more active, not hiding anymore, but still not eating. Fast forward to today... Came home, turned on the light and omg. So, he's got fin rot now; his dorsal fin is black and it appears that the rest of his fins have tears and holes in them. His body has lost most of it's color and is now brownish/ruddy. His fins look inflammed and red and there's a couple of white spots on his body, however, I've had ich before, and it doesn't look like any ich that I've seen, I'm actually wondering if they're the beginning of some sort of ulceration. I'm still doing the 50% water changes, added salt, temp up at ~80 F, stopped all chemicals (other than decholorinator etc.). I am at my wits ends now, and I feel so horrible for this poor fish. I am almost certain that we're going to lose him. So....what to do now? ....thanks again....
  9. Thanks for your help everyone, I raised the temp to ~80 F and did a 50% water change last time....still no change in his activity. I use the dip strip test strips (API I believe), and I can't remember off hand the exact readings, but I do recall the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate readings not having a colour change at all. The tank is cycled, using water from a roommates tank and stole some gravel, but for the most part, the gravel is new and the filter media is new. BFM- I do agree, I don't really want to use chemicals right now, just in case this is stress, but I've just never had this much of an issue before!! It's so frustrating! As with Betta Fix, I have heard that before, but I've heard mixed reviews...some people swear by it while others don't use it for the same reason you're suggesting...so I really haven't made a conscious decision yet. I have some frozen mysis shrimp that I'll try to entice him with at some point here soon..... I will keep you posted, but please let me know if you think of anything else. BFM-in case this one goes to the fish bowl in the sky, I have always wanted a half moon....do you know of any place where you can get different breeds of betta's? Thanks
  10. Thanks for your relpy! I've done the salt thing already, just in case. About the Jungles Parasite Clear.....where can you get that? Big Al's? Natures Corner Store? I'm in Edmonton, on the southside and dont' wanna travel too far if I don't have to. Thanks....look forward to seeing if anyone else has anything to add )
  11. Hey, I'm looking for some help with my new betta, Cecil. We just got him just over a week ago. He's in a cycled 5 gallon tank, all chemistries are within normal limits other than being generally 'hard water', which is usual for here. Since we've got him, he's eaten a total of 3 pellets (Hikari) in 8 days; I've offered bloodworms, but he just swims past them. He is very lethargic, and just sits in the plants at the bottom of the tank, the only time he moves is when I stick the net in there once a day to see if he's still alive. In the past couple of days, it looks like his belly is beginning to get bloated, though the scales aren't not 'pineconish'. It also looks like his gills are sticking out of his gill flaps (hard to describe). There's no evidence of external parasite that I can notice, but where he's begninng to bloat around his tummy it's turning white (like overinflated). He's very dull and his fins are 'tucked in'. I've attached a picture, but it doesn't really show what I'm noticing.... I've tried water changes, betta fix...don't know what else to do at the moment....I've never had this much of an issue with a new Betta! Please help!
  12. That's what I had originally thought, but dreadding it was actually Ich (however, I though Ich was a parasite and not a bacterial infection). However, he is swimming fine, eating like a pig and still very active (not hanging around on bottom/top) or anything, and the other fish that he's housed with is fine as well. Any other suggestions? Thanks again! Vanessa
  13. A picture of it would be better, but under the description you gave us, if its under the belly near the bottom fin and looks like a white dot that is HER vent especially if its particularly larger and had not noticed it before. Humm.. let me see if I have a picture and you can tell me if this is what and where it was... This is a female betta, she has a white dot under her belly, you can see it behind the two fins.. does it appear like shown in this photo? Thanks for your quick reply, but I'm pretty sure that I don't have a female....it doesn't look like any female I've ever seen! And the little bump is only visible on the left hand side and rather between the two fins It's actually right in the middle of the anal fin....Anyways, I got my picture up and I hope it helps, it's not the clearest in the world, but it's the best I can do for now. I really appreciate all the help and I look forward to hearing some other replies!! Thanks again Vanessa
  14. Hi! Please bear with me...I'm new at this! Anyways, I've had Betta's almost my entire life and I've never experienced anything like this...I have a new fish, he's just a plain ol'Betta housed in a divided tank with a Crowntail. Over this past week he has developed a 'growth' right near the bottom of his belly on his scales, near his fin. It has grown over the past week too. I'm sorry that I can't get a picture of it (my memory card isn't working properly) but it really looks similar to a whitehead! There are no other growths or spots on his body, the other fish is doing just fine as well. Does anyone know what this could be? And is it treatable or just leave it. Thanks for all your help! Vanessa
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