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  1. From what I understand plecos can be a tad picky about water and seem to die randomly fairly often. Buggers. I have a BN as well and I don't think I've ever gone looking for him without that sinking feeling he may be dead. But he is cute. His name is Dave after the coach of the junior hockey team I have season tickets to. Why would I name him after a coach. Cause it seems like he has so little to work with (one little pleco) but he got the job done and cleared my tank of yellow algae overnight with the aid of some assistants the are Joels (otocinclus catfish).
  2. kind of side not but I have a BN as well how do you sex BN and are they hard to breed? Would kind of like to try. How many BN fry usual in a breeding?
  3. Get a dehumidifier don't get HVAC thats an investment over rated. The nice part is the insulation and vapour barrier on your house is probably pretty good suprising considering when it was built. Those fans are important and you should be running those fans during and right after showers fish tank or not. Tell your wife she is making your ceiling yellow. However mold is pretty rare in Alberta and you would need to produce a lot of standing moisture and I mean a lot to create mold issues. You see mold in houses with outside leaks where the moisture gets trapped in the walls but it is so dry in alberta this is rare. Also despite the popular belief toxic mold isn't going to kill you over night if you have bad asthma are real old or have respiratory issues it will make you sick. If you are healthy its not that bad and easy to treat. Open some windows before you get HVAC that will help circulate air.
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