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About James2009

  • Birthday 05/11/1977

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  1. I belive he has a eheim canister filter a 2213 that he is looking to sell.
  2. I will take it... :-)
  3. Either one of you want to sell your lights? LOL
  4. Good to know.. I was wondering if the spread would be good enough with a dual lamp fixture. I will go with two fixtures instead of one for sure. Thanks for the FYI
  5. Yes i plan on adding co2 and ferts down the road... im still deciding what i want for plants. Im really looking for a cool ground cover plant.
  6. Looking at some lighting for my 20 gallon planted tank. A few people have suggested LED strip lights. I have had mixed reviews on these lights. Im also looking at T5HO lights. Thinking that a dual lamp T5's may be better then the LED's?
  7. Awesome... Thank you for all your ideas. I do plan on using co2, so i think i will go with a canister filter of some sort.
  8. Im in the early stages of a planted 20 gallon, and would like suggestions on what would be a suitable filter for this size tank? Any help would be much appreciated.
  9. Thanks for all your help. I will combine everyones suggestions and Im sure the result will be great!!
  10. Ok I will give this a try, I was thinking that I didnt have enough nutrients as well. I will have to purchase this tomorrow. In your opinion what would be the best?
  11. I actually reduced my lights to 8 hrs, the most I have had them on is 11hrs. I have only used API root tabs once and that was in the last few weeks. I had this issue before I used these tabs as well. I have many differtent plants from slow growing to fast growing, stem plants, a few crypts, anubius and java ferns. It is fairly heavy planted.
  12. Hello All, I'm 3 almost 4 weeks into my newly 108 gal planted tank and I'm having a few issues with what looks like green hair algae. Every 2 days I'm taking out a fairly good clump of it. It's getting tangled up in everything. I am running compressed co2 about 3 bubbles per second or 15-20ppm. I have 4 HO T5 54 watt 5000 lumen lamps. Temp is about 78F. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  13. Stem plants also sprout all kinds of roots along the stem and I hate that--it looks ugly. Is it ok to cut away the roots that are along the stems? I know what you mean when you say it looks terrible. I am battling that right now.
  14. I have a 55 gal with 165 watts of light. I was also thinking that I need to bump the Co2 up.
  15. Hello, Just tested my water today and found the following levels. This is for a planted community tank. Ph 7.2 kh 161 ppm co2 17 ppm Not to sure if these are the target levels or not. The one that I would really like to know is the KH levels. What are considered GOOD levels? Thanks
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