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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Jay


    Ok I appreciate all the feedback. I'm trying to figure out some of how this pressurized thing all works... So tank (duh)...regulator....and what on earth is a solenoid? Basically what all do I need and a very rough estimate on where I should buy/pay. Also...with used tanks...How long are they good for (and I don't mean actual use...I mean by law). I know with propane, a tank is certified to be filled (legally) for 10 years and then needs to be inspected and a new valve put in. See my biggest challenge is...I don't have a car...and I work 6 days a week. I'm not sure what this Recharge center is...or where it is...but I have a sneaking suspicion it is open mon-fri 9-5 (when I work). Thanks again for all the feedback so far. It seems as tempting as the carbo-plus is for "simplicity" it sounds like it would be a wee bit of a PITA... Oh yeah...and how long (days/months/years) would you expect a 20# tank to last you...(I have a 77 gal tank)
  2. Hey, I was just wondering if anybody has used this Carbo-Plus thing that's available at Big Al's online (and I'm sure lots of other places). Some kind of electrolisys to put co2 into your tank. You have to buy these carbon bar replacement dohickies for it. But it just seems like a very simple thing to impliment (although I'm sure more costly than other solutions). ...Or if somebody could tell me an easy (not too pricy) way for me to get a CO2 tank setup without having to goto a welding store or crawl all over the city looking for odd parts in odd places. Cheers
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