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Everything posted by tetras_corys_loaches_oh_my

  1. I have 8 of these blocks, of two different sizes, and I was thinking of starting a cichlid tank, as my hub wants "COLOR WOMAN!" (at least he tolerates my tanks... might as well make him happy) If I smashed up a couple into big, but caveable, pieces, would they affect the water? Pretty sure they are made of concrete, and they are'nt painted. Any thoughts? Personally, I would fill the whole thing with appi splends... I like those fishies. Oh, tanks a 30-40G. I know I know, not much for a cichlid tank, but my 70 has all my loaches and corys and tetras! and my 2 20's are for hatching more DAMN CORYS! Love those fish, I just wish they would lay eggs when I am home, instead of coming home to 100+ empty sacks stuck to the glass...
  2. oh my god... i ~~NEED~~ that big yellow bulbous toad!! He is so cool!
  3. I tried to look at this site but it was all in german or something *L* I wanted to see the killer fish :eh:
  4. I have black shirt tetras that I have had for 1 year. I noticed lately that one of them has some weird black bumps on his tail and around one fin. None of the others have anything. . He doesnt act oddly or anything... what the heck is it? Oh tank it as follows- 60 gallon, planted all natural rock with some driftwood. tankmates are 5 other skirts, 3 rasboras, 3 danios, 2 yoyo loaches, 5 cories, 3 appis, 2 clown loaches, 7 emporer tetras, 6 guppies, 2 headandtaillight tetras and 6 small rainbows. everyone else is dandy.
  5. Well a tenant of mine (wanna fish-friendly apartment manager? email me *LOL*) had no more room and sold me her tank. Its a 33G with heavy duty stand with cupboards, lights, filters (3 of them) some really neat thing called a stingray300 (i think its an airator), some fantastic sword plants, 10 different kinds of food (a bunch of frozen stuff) caves, backdrops, etc... AND fish. I have otos (there are 6 in this tank), obviously like corys (2 from her and they are HUGE) but what I have never had are angels. The one in this tank is about 8" from top to bottom fin. She says its male (something about a bump?) but can I get him a girlfriend? How big can she be? He is a pearl-y angel (something like that, he's iridescent) but when hes pissed he gets stripe-y so he is probably a mutt, but do they WANT species company, or would he eat her? and can i fit another in there comfortably? man... shoulda stuck with my loaches *L* oh, any guesses what I paid for all that?
  6. I was wrong... there are ~45~ :baby: bronzes... so, in about 3 months time, any takers? *L* what's the going price for them anyways *L* and parents (well the triad) can be viewed.
  7. So, now I have about 30 bronze cory fry, they seem to be doing well, but I have 3 pepper fry from 4 weeks ago. Can i put them in the tank with the bronzes? They are in a breeding net, so I would like to put them where they can swim a bit more. They are 3 weeks older.
  8. As much as I love my corys i have never attempted to breed them *L* A couple of weeks ago, found a few eggs on the glass (well there were A LOT but the tetras ate most of them). I managed to get 3 live fry out of the 20 eggs I rescued. Mind you, I was'nt sure WHAT they were at the time as it is a very mixed community tank. Now, as I spent all day today watching my corys place eggs everywhere and setting up a tank to put all the eggs in, and scraping them off with razor blades, now what do I do? Can I put the 3 week old fry in the tank with the eggs? How long does it take to reach full maturity? (these ones are bronzes, the 3 week old batch are peppers) I have about 100 eggs, so, if I get 10 outta that I'll be happy, given I don't know what I am doing *LOL* Help? Been feeding the fry egg yolks (boiled) as recommended by a friend, and they seem to really like it, but should I buy fry food, and is there a specific type, and where to get it?
  9. I have a thing for tank designing... maybe not exactly good at it, but I have a lot of fun. My most recent is a 20G filled with black slate and antlers (yeah, a couple of small deer racks) and now i am wondering what the heck to put in it, as it is definately no place for my cories and loaches... just not their style. To bad i can't get angler fish, i like them... sit there and feed them clouds... anyways, suggestions? Want something NOT too high maintenance. Pic links prefered and available to me in Edmonton.
  10. Well, being as this is the intro section, here is me. Actually, xerxes/sarah is a good friend of mine and, once she admitted she had a problem, I have been giggling behind her the whole way. *nudge nudge* Hey sarah, why ya not putting pics up of the lace plant? Anyways. My name is Hythr and my fish issue is all Sarahs fiances fault. I have known the guy for 10 years and, when my daughter was newly born, she was a pain to get to sleep. Colic and whatnot. He just ~happened~ to have a few little 10G tanks that he said would be helpful... worked out fantastically but little did I know of the hmm... factor. Amazing what stuff will be sold for cheap at a garage sale... I would be living in a glass house with walls filled with fish if it wasn't for the fact that my husband doesnt like the sound of water bubbling, luckily he likes to fiddle with lighting though, so we compromise. Anyways, currently I have 2 tanks running (a 15G and a 45G custom) filled with cories, loaches and tetras hence the name. (think judy garland and a landscaper when saying it) I ~NEED~ one more tank and, once I convince my hub of that... *sigh* Oh, and my claim to fame, from what i am told, is that I ADORE convict cichlids.... I even willingly purchase them in public... does that make me bad?
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