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Calgary & Area Member
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Posts posted by Bluecan

  1. Just curious where to get some, can I just use that stuffing stuff for pillows or whatever from the fabric area of wal mart? is there anything I should watch out for?

    lookin for cheap, in calgary

  2. hey guys just wanted some IDs for these africans I have.......

    I also have an electric yellow pair and a pink convict pair both mature and producing.

    All of these fish will likely be up for sale very soon , PM me if interested

    Thanks for your help

  3. Hey guys, I dont really know anything about africans , I am setting up a bedroom 40 Gallon with my female SB tex , my first plan was to get a few small schooling fish mix to help give her confidence to leave her cave and let her live out her life, but If i can make it happen I would rather go with a or a couple small brightly colored africans, they have to be able to take care of themselves but not be aggressive either, she is pretty easy going if it isnt her own kind and shes only a couple inches long, the brighter the better, small,.......suggestions? I dont know anything about rams but I was thinking about maybe a ram or two? any input welcome


  4. ebjd = electric blue jack dempsey

    bgjd = blue gene jack dempsey --> A regular colored jack dempsey that carries the 'electric blue" gene, you need this type of female to produce electric blue babies as an electric blue JD X Electric blue JD will not produce Electric blue fry......only an electric blue to a carrier will give electric blue fry..........get it? lol

  5. also, for breeding, the size and age vary greatly between strains and individuals, there is no saying, but often times the problems associated with not getting a successful spawn(aside from a male being infertile) is a male not being mature enough, so even if they go at it and it doesnt work the first few times it doesnt mean it never will. I would say though if you are going into years waiting for sexual maturity its fairly safe to say he is infertile, it shouldnt take 2 or 3 years for a male to be sexually mature.

    Darkangels advice about water changes, slight temperature change, and lotsa food ..is great.

    Also your min. breeding tank size should be a 75 gallon. Seperate them with egg crate, and as you are preparing them for breeding , give them a couple weeks to get to know eachother and get in the mood,(its possible they could pair right away, or never but a couple weeks is a very general guesstimate) watch their behaviour, if the female starts fattening up and especially dropping her tube its a good sign, you can let them out together but you have to watch them carefully , even if they are getting along things can change extremely quickly and he could kill her, if you go this route and you dont want to lose a fish, or possibly the clutch ide seperate at least one parent after breeding(or they may kill eachother), possibly both(may eat the clutch) and hatch them yourself with an air hose passing bubbles over them, i did that and it worked great. You could also leave some of the babies with the parents and remove and try both ways, just to test of the parents will eat them or not.

    you should post some pics of your fish,and progress, good luck!

    p.s If your fish has a red eye it has a much greater chance of being fertile vs. a white eyed male which are generally infertile.

  6. Did you breed these yourself? Chances of getting something grow out of quality are very low, but not impossible, I have seen one case where a first Gen (like what you have) had one fish turn out outstanding, .....keep us updated, as for being sterile , they most likely will be, but not 100%.

    No one really knows if Parrots are hybrids, or variants, their actual make up is kept secret but my best conclusion on looking into this A LOT about a year ago is that the original breeder insists they are a "sport" of I believe it was red devils...so obviously a mutated various, and he insists no hybridization took place, but we will never know for sure...good luck on getting something nice, chances are youll end up with a group varied greatly in quality (when compared to an ideal red tex) from some that dont fade, to yellows, to orange, and if you are extremely lucky bright orange or red.....

  7. I dont think its beyond possible that people have tried injections, and other gross mutalations of fish or animals in general such as cutting the tales off blood parrots to mak them heart shaped.

    However, in general, the head is natural and grows without hormone injections, ive seen it myself, and the big head is not limited to only flowerhorns , several cichlids get these big head humps and through selective breeding some get very very large, however you can find pics of for example Midas cichlids or vieja's with similar big head humps or as they are known in the hobby ..."koks"

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