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Calgary & Area Member
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Posts posted by Bandi

  1. Hi, I was given a nice 8 inch female albino tiger oscar. When I got her she was beautifully white with orange markings. I have had her about a month and now her white doesn't look as white as it used to be. She almost looks "dirty". She seems healthy other than that. Could it be the food I have her on? I also was forced to treat for Ick a few weeks ago...is it possible the dye from the "Rid-Ick" could stain her color? Any suggestions at all?

  2. I was just wondering if oscars typically bite hands in the tank. I have only had this ocsar about three weeks and she is about 8 inches long. I have messed around in the tank often and only just today did she bite me.

    I noticed she had been digging herself a shallow in the rocks at the bottom of her tank. In doing so she uprooted one of my air lines. So I attemped to put it back under some rocks (more or less where her shallow was) and she bite me once and tried a second time ...but I was too quick...ha ha. I suppose she figures the shallow is her territory and took execption to me messing about right there.

    Any comments would be appreciated.

  3. Hi, one of my young cichlids had sustained an injury. It appears his eye is now gone. I have isolated the fish in a hospital tank...but what do I do? I live in a small town where they sell almost no pet supplies...namely fish medicine and I am nearly two hour drive to the nearest city. Will my fish die?

    Will it need antibiotics? Can salt help?

  4. Make sure everything inside the filter is seated properly. Mine leaked when some of my filter material was shoved out of place and didn't allow the trays to sit properly.

    Don't know how or why, but we connected it all together and it is working fine. Thanks for wanting to help.

  5. I got this used fluval from a private sale, the guy had it up and working and drained his tank to sell me the filter. I get the filter home, rinse and change the medium but when I close the lid clamps the thing leaks like a devil. It won't hold water for nothing. It comes out the lid seams as fast as I pour it in the top.

    So I changed the O-ring....no different.

    Is this filter hooped?

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