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Posts posted by Bandi

  1. They grow slower than the regular JD's. I am raising a bunch of fry right now and find they are not as quick to grab food as the Blue Genes, so separating them as soon as I can to eliminate the competion has proven to be a must. Otherwise the blue genes out compete the smaller electric blues for food and the blues would all die.

  2. I aquired an electric blue and a blue gene female from a friend (don't know if he wants to be named) and I have been waiting and waiting and finally!! Success! The eggs look good, nice a dark, no fungus and the pair are alone in a tank.

    This pair has raised more than one spawn in the past, so I will let them raise these guys for a while. Then I will pull them in a small tank and feed babies micro worms,high protein fry powder, then grindal worms and once big enough... black worms.

    I'll keep you posted.

  3. I was at a LFS the other day and saw a sight I thought was beautiful. If was a tank stocked full of gorgious female bettas. Their colors were magnificent and I got to thinking that they could look great in a community tank with guppys and swords and such.

    I am totally new to bettas, I don't even own one at this time, so just picking the experts brains right now.

    Can bettas thrive in a community tank with guppys and swords and tetras etc?

    Can many female bettas live peacefully together?

    Thanks for any advice.

  4. So we just got 10 3 inch clown loaches only about four days ago. They went into a 180 gallon tank with lots of hiding places.

    Today my husband did a water change on the tank. Now he has this thing about only adding straight cold water back into the tanks (sometime 25% of the water). This lowers the temp of the entire tank of course and so far, he claims all the fish like this. I disagree with him and won't do this... however...

    But minutes after his water change I noticed a dead clown loach (that wasn't there before because I helped do the gravel vacuuming).

    I said the sudden and relatively big temp. drop killed loach? The other loaches didn't look to lively either...

    We keep that tank at about 80F and I bet it dropped to 70F or so ( I should have measured)

    So did the cold water kill the loach or are they just new and fresh from the store and probably just a normal die off?

    Any imput would be great. Because my husband and I are arguing about this and I think I am right and he think he is right. Help settle this if you can.

  5. I can't help you much since you live in Edmonton, I bought mine from a place in Calgary, but it is a light carmal color. I didn't know you could get "white" pool filter sand. That would be nice also. The carmel color is rather attractive however.

    I find it much easier to vacuum than other sand I have (it is probably play sand) and it is clean and uniform and doesn't compact.

  6. Very nice pair! I have seen juvies in the pet store and they look nothing like yours. Mind you most south and centrals are quite bland till they get older.

    I've only seen "red Terrors" sold in stores twice and both time they were the "false red terror". These fish are often mistaken and sold as red terrors but they NEVER get the stunning color of the TRUE red terror. They are a totally different species.

  7. "But I also want my angels to breed. They have spawned many times but they never hatch...my thought was that the water ph was too high"

    I'm not sure the ph makes much of a difference to standard angels if they're used to it. My pairs spawn in our "hard as rock" water with no issues and I'm on to my "grandfish"!!!

    Well that is good to know since I would have trouble lowering the Ph. I hope they will get it right one of these days.

  8. Ok, thanks, and yes, I did test the ph right out of the tap.. I will try what you suggest.

    Thanks for the explaination, that did answer many questions.

    The only reason I started being concerned with Ph is to capitalize on the theory that cichlids bred in higher Ph will give you a greater % of males.

    But I also want my angels to breed. They have spawned many times but they never hatch...my thought was that the water ph was too high.

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