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Posts posted by dan11

  1. If it's a female angel, she could be looking to spawn on the heater, especially if there's a lack of other objects for her to spawn on. Angels will clean off any surface with their mouth if they are going to spawn on it, and this could be exactly what she is doing. If you are concerned about it, try planting some broad leaf plants in the tank, or even lean a slate tile in a corner of the tank for her. My angels spawned everywhere, filter intakes, heaters, but they always liked broad leaf plants (anubias or something similar) and a medium sized slate tile leaned at a 45 degree angle or so. If that's not it, then I'm not sure. She could just be bored, but my bet is that she is looking for a place to lay eggs.

  2. Awesome thank you very much. I have a 25 gallon around here somewhere I'll get that set up tomorrow. Sounds like I also may have to stop the frozen blood worms and brine shrimp I have been feeding them. Where do you get your freeze dried foods, and what else are you feeding them, if you don't mind me asking? The only thing that they really seem to like is the frozen brine shrimp cubes I feed them every couple of days. Thanks!!

  3. Hey all. I have an 85 gallon planted tank with 5 discus. I have recently noticed that my juvenile red pigeon has stopped eating, and become very skinny, with a concave looking stomach. It just does not look healthy, and has faded color. Any ideas on what this could be, and how I could treat? All the other fish look fine, and no new fish have been added for a couple months. Thanks!!

  4. Wow, they are looking nice. I never gave mine a chance to raise, but I bet they'll catch on. Glad to hear that you have got some good spawning from them. I had two nice batches of angel eggs eaten by a couple of cories yesterday. I laughed when I saw that you had experienced something similar! Hope you get some fry soon!

  5. Hi, sorry for the late reply. I was on vacation, and had not thought to check my posts since I got home. I do not use RO water, and honestly do not know my parameters. I just use straight tap water, no conditioners or anything. I do weekly waterchanges of anywhere from 50 - 60% I will actually probably be testing them in the next week or so, as I had to tear down my 135 gallon, where my parents lived. All of my angels died again, for the second time this year, so I was fed up and did it. I am just in the proccess of getting it started again. I will try to respond back pretty quickly. Other than that, my rams are completely electric blue now. I still have about 15 - 20 that I kept for myself, and they look good. Just hoping that they dont get whatever my angels had! I also have about 60 german blue ram fry now, and they are about half an inch, with one huge male who is an inch. Had to seperate him, because he was eating some of his smaller siblings! Ahah, I had no idea that one would grow that much faster than its siblings...

  6. After counting, and looking at my EBR's, I have about exactly 50! Pretty stoked about these guys! I also have about 200 - 250 regular german blue ram fry from the pair I showed in the video. They went free swimming about 5 days ago, and I got another spawn from the parents yesterday. They are in the 25 by themselves still, so I think that they might raise the eggs. Hopefully they don't eat them, but not a big deal if they do. This will probably be the last spawn of fish I take until after July. I am going on vacation, and hate leaving young fry. Ok, I might be tempted into keeping 1 batch of angels, cause they grow faster than my rams... lol.

  7. Alright, I got a nice batch of eggs from my new pair that was in the video. They laid them on the inside of a cave last night, at about 7 p.m. I am giving them a shot at parent raising, and they are in my 25 gallon which had guppy fry in the video. I switched the guppies, and the rams, so that the rams could have light to raise their eggs in. The eggs were still there this morning, and they look like good parents, so I'm hoping for a good hatch.

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