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Kim C

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Everything posted by Kim C

  1. Garlic it will be! If he grows a moustache and starts behaving like the godfather, I'll know I am on the right track. Bloodworms will also be fed. Thanks to all who volunteered their help and knowledge. Ann Marie, you are a silly sausage. See you tonight.
  2. Good Day Small scale hobbyist who has kept fish since the days of undergravel filters. Currently have: 55 gallon - empty, but awaiting inspiration! 35 gallon - planted tank, angels, bristlenose plecos, corys, kuli loaches 25 gallon - latest project, will be planted for my rainbows 10 gallon - mixed planted tank, swordtails, banjo cats, cherry shrimp 10 gallon - mixed planted tank, rainbows, bristlenoses 5 gallon - ghost shrimp, male betta and lots of plants! Enjoying the underwater world of gardening and the creatures that inhabit that world. Enjoy Kim
  3. Black hair algae needs to be gone! Have bristlenoses, rubbernoses, and BEEG apple snail, but plants have short black hair algae. Look like they need a shave! Any suggestions other than pruning? (Chemicals not an option). Thanks kim
  4. Have a pair of blues, recently acquired. Male is staying low in the tank, not eating, but doesn't appear sick (no obvious signs). All other angels and fish in tank very robust, eat well, and active. Water quality is excellent. Have tried other foods (live, etc) but still not eating. Moved him to a quieter tank with rainbows to see if that helps. Next step is hospital tank with salt and boost the heat. But, these are obvious fixes. Anyone out there have something different? Expensive fish, but besides that, he is a living thing that I want to be able to help. Would appreciate any suggestions. kim
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