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Everything posted by Jay001

  1. Jay001

    Hello Everyone

    Yes I can already see that coming... My wife wants to get rid of a Buffet and hutch that we've had for about 10 years a nice replacement for it would be a nice big tank (her idea), but that won't be for a year since I want to ease into this slowly and absorb it. Would sure be nice to be able to get some bigger fish though.
  2. Hey there, I am new to fish and am just starting my first freshwater tank (20 Gallon) I'm learning a lot of information thanks to this forum. A little background: Never thought of myself as a fish person and I never even really looked in the aquarium section at the pet stores, but my 5 year old son wanted a fish tank because his friend has one, so in February we began a reward system where he collected marbles for good deeds like saying please and thank you, being nice to his little brother etc. After 4 months he completely filled his marble jar and was still dead set on getting a fish tank. So we took him down to the LFS where he spent about 2 hours looking at the fish, and I found I was as interested as he was (who knew?). We took a couple more trips and talked to a lot of people and finally came home with a 20 gallon tank and a couple of plants, a piece of driftwood and a plastic human skull that my 5 year old insisted on buying. We are now just starting to add some fish and have 3 Zebra Danio's in a couple weeks we'll add 3 more. After that maybe a BN Pleco and a Betta. This forum has been a great source of information for me over the last little while and I'm looking to learn as much as possible. Thank you all for the questions you've asked and for the answers provided. I look forward to participating more in the future. Jay
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