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angel al

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Posts posted by angel al

  1. Don't worry about the white eggs & the rise in temprature rise hasn't killed them but leave it alone. If you play around with it to much you'll wish you hadn't. The fry will continue to fall off the pot. What you might consider doing is sucking them off the bottom & off the pot & putting them in submersed container in the same tank. Make sure you have an airstone with gentle aeration & anti fungal in it as well. If the fry remain in or on the gravel, bacteria on the gravel can sometimes cause an issue. Depending on how course your gravel is, they can also get stuck in between the pebbles & you'll loose them. I would either use a jar or a bowl. A plastic bowl will float, the jar won't. The bowl is probably your easiest option & will cause the least amount of disturbance in the tank at this point but that decision is yours to make. I use a clean turkey baster to move fry & you can use it to remove & add water to the container you choose as needed. Make sure any water you remove from the container is not put back in the tank but any fresh water you add should come from the tank to avoid temprature variation.

  2. As log as the eggs aren't white there's probably no issue. The amount of time the eggs take to hatch has a lot to do with temprature. The warmer they are the shorter time it takes them to hatch, although it won't vary too much. I keep the eggs at 84 degrees when I hatch them artifically. Don't fool around with the temperature at this point though.

  3. Move them back to the main tank. If they're a bonded pair they'll stick together, if not he'll find a new mate if one is available. It sounds to me like she's not ready. Even though she's laid before there could be a few different reasons she doesn't want to lay. It could be a health issue or she may not like the way she's being treated by the male in the breeding tank. Move them back to the big tank & maybe his manners will improve. A bad attitude with the ladies won't get him anywhere. Just my 2 cents though.

  4. I've seen some really blue pinoys on Youtube.

    im wondering if that might be due to an actinic blue bulb. Or mine might just be different. They are really picking up in color, Im almost due for another update :)

    They are probably Ken Kennedy's from the Phillipines. He was the one who originally imported nearly all of the blue angelfish varities into Canada and the United States. His fish are absolutely stunning.Here are some links to his videos...

    Actually Ken is not who brought them into Canada.
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