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Everything posted by TankCommander

  1. Has anyone ever ordered from these guys? http://www.sillykillies.com/ I was thinking of trying them but I figured I would check with the group first. Thanks
  2. I have a large community tank and I have found pearl danios to be a good fish for occupying the top layer of my tank and generally not causing many problems. They also tend to move around a lot which tends to draw your eye to the tank as there is always activity. I like the pearl danios over zebras and leopard danios as they are shinier and they are also a little bit bigger (or at least the ones I had were)
  3. Thanks everyone for the friendly welcome As for the suggestion of Cichlids, they scare me (probably not fully justified as I don't know a lot about them and there are lots of different types) as my main fear are the little tetras in my main tank. Any others ideas as to what would be good project fish to try and breed as a beginner?
  4. I went to the Calgary auction this past weekend on the advice of a friend and found it interesting to see the array of fish and plants that are out there that you don’t see in the various stores. I have a 120 gallon community tank which features lots of smaller fish types (various tetras, cherry barbs, hatchet fish, zebras, danios, guppies, platies…). I like to take fish from my community tank and see if I can get the conditions right for them to breed and raise the various little ones in one of my other tanks – I have had success with things like black skirt tetra, various danios, I even had bettas breed but I was unsuccessful at raising the little ones. I also got over run with Ameca Splendens (I think I have the name right) at one point. Always looking for suggestions on fish that would make a good project Thanks
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