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Calgary & Area Member
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About FishCanada

  • Birthday 11/30/1999

FishCanada's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I bought 150 gallon glass fish tank in the summer. It's been sitting in my garage with no water in it since summer. It's -25 C outside today. A friend mentioned that the glass may start to crack if I leave it in there....is this true?
  2. I'm going to be setting up my 150 gallon tank soon. I'm new to fish keeping. Does anyone know how good this 2-way vac is? I'm looking for something that can remove and fill my large tank quickly and with as minimal effort as possible...
  3. Are there any major issues I should be concerned about with using Pool Filter Sand as the substrate? I heard it was better than play sand. My plan is to have a little bit of plants and some driftwood.
  4. Hey punman, That sounds pretty cheap, where are some pool places in Calgary that would have that stuff?
  5. Sorry, I guess I wasn't too clear. I didn't mean I actually wanted an inline heater. I just wanted to know what the difference if there was between an in-line heater and a normal heater. Sounds like Ebo Jager heaters are good. I think I will try them.
  6. As the title says, how does it work? I've got a 150 gallon tank. What kind of heater do I need? How many of them do I need?
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