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Everything posted by FishyFishy!

  1. So i'm trying to breed my Veil Tail Betta with a Crown female. First, I introduced a crown male with the female, and she obviously didn't do much for him becuase he never made a bubble nest. Then I introduced the veil tail. All looked well, as they seemed to like eachother. The male mad a large bubble nest. I left them together for a whole day. AND NO EGGS! The male didn't even start getting aggressive until the end of the day. I seperated the two when the male got nasty. Could it be that the female is just too young?
  2. The only real chemical I have used as of yet would be water conditioner. That and cycle when I started the tank.
  3. Oh man! That stuff is so beyond my level of fish care and reading its ridiculous!! hahahaha!!!! Anyone care to do laymen's terms? :boxed:
  4. Care to elaborate? Solutions? Causes? Thanks! I'll pay another 2 cents for more advice! :bow:
  5. So a fellow co-worker was telling me all about his pet octopus! No idea if he was bs'ing me or not. Can you get Octopus anywhere??? Has anyone ever kept one? If this is true where can I purchase one? I would love to start up an octopus tank!
  6. The mechanical filtration is still relatively clean. Maybe I have too much? Its an 80 Gallon bowfront tank. I have a Fluval 404 with 4 sponge pads on the foam insert assembly. There is a pack of media per side of each tray (4 trays, two sides per tray). The bottom is Pure bio max. The next is half bio max, half carbon. Then the next two trays are filled with 2 amonia remover/carbon packs(zeo-carb), and 2 nitrate/nitrite remover packs (Fluval Brand). Then my Fluval 104 has 2 mechanical pads in the foam insert assembly, then the top tray has a half carbon packs, and half water polishing pads. The bottom has bio max. Would any of this be causing any white particles?
  7. HHHMMMM. It definately isn't bubbles, its organic for sure. I do have white brand new Fluval ceramic rings in there. I thought i washed them properly.... but maybe not! haha. I guess i'll tear apart the filter and do a 25% water change and run it for a day or two, see if it clears up. What are diatoms??
  8. Since the setup of my new 80 Gallon a few weeks ago, I have noticed that the water has a lot of white floaties in it. I have a fluval 404, and a 104 running in the tank, as well as a small powerhead. How can I get rid of these little white floaties?? I also noticed that my Fluval 404 dosn't seem to be jetting out as much water as it should. Is there a chance that my filter is too packed with media? I also have placed polishing pads in the 104, which dosn't seem to be putting out to much water either. Suggestions?
  9. Just wondering if Tanganyika shell dwellers are suitable to have any tankmates? I'm trying to decide if I'm going to do a 10 gallon shell dweller only tank, or a shell dweller with other fish in my 33 gallon. Anyone know if these can have any tank mates?
  10. It will all really end up coming down to how big your fish are at the moment. Average size?
  11. Oh I'm sure they would love some little bite sized convicts! haha.
  12. So I decided to use the 5 Gallon as a Betta Breeder (see pic!). Now onto the 10 Gallon I have lying around! haha. I'm possibly thinking Rams, but like I said, I want something different. I already have some bolivians in my angel tank, and although they are very nice looking, they are kind of boring, as they don't move around too much. Any more ideas? I'm going to have to go to big als, and pisces to see if I can find something interesting.
  13. So Tips to keep them alive? I would actually either like to raise them to sell/give them away, or use them as feeders for my puffers.
  14. So my convicts have been acting all wierd and digging themselves a shelter in the sand. Then today I checked them out, and there were a bunch of eggs sticking to the side of the rock. Are they eggs? Or some other random things? What should I do to keep them alive?? HELP!!! haha
  15. I have 5 apple snails in my african tank. I have 2 4" clown loaches, and a 4" yoyo loach, and they heave left the snails alone for about a year now. So just goes to show, every fish is different.
  16. If i decide to use my 5 gallon, after the female flees, could I just remove her right after? Or do I have to let her stay in there for a while for some reason?
  17. Awesome guys thanks!! What size of tank do you recommend? I have a 5 gallon, a 10 gallon and a 33 gallon laying around that I could use. I imagine that the 10 gallon is probably the best bet.
  18. I have archer fish in my brackish tank. What would you like to know? I have had awesome success with them. Mine are flawless in condition and have wikidly bright yellow on their fins. Most you see at petland look very unhealthy. Here is a pic of my brackish setup:
  19. Hi!! I'm getting into breeding betta fish. What I would like to know is, should I put substrate in the bottom of the tank? Or leave it bare? I have some really fine red sand, and some regular gravel laying around. Should I use either? Or will it be easier for the male to find the eggs on the regular glass?. Thanks!
  20. A pair of shellies will be going in my 33 Gallon thats lying around! haha. I like those galaxies!! I think maybe shrimp and galaxies! That would be awesome. Does anyone know where I can pick up some galaxies in the calgary area?
  21. Hey all! I have a random 5 Gallon tank setup lying around. Any suggestions on what to stock it with? I would like something that I don't already have. I have the following fish: African Cichlids, south american cichlids, serpae tetras, blackskirt tetras, loaches, angels, bolivian rams, brackish stuff, bala sharks, some cory's, and plecos. So I would like something different! I want to get it up and running tonight, so let me know what you guys think! I would love something rare and unique.
  22. I would generally stick with the rule of thumb 1 inch of fish per gallon. Every fish however will grow up to be a different size, so do your research so that you don't out grow your tank in the future. I tend to overstock a little bit on my african tank, because I find that it tends to spread aggression out, so theres less fuss. As far as the groups go, I would not go any more than 3 as well. When you team up different species with males and females fighting for territory constantly, you could have issues. Like GREGMAN said, LOTS of hiding places should cut down the aggression quite a bit. The type of species you're looking at will also be a big influence. For instance if you were going to have a few convicts, good luck trying many other types of cichlids. They are mean little buggers!
  23. From my experience, cichlids do like moderate current. My africans just love playing in the filter output streams in my tank. Especially with a tank that large, I would recommend a power head for sure to create enough water movement for proper circulation. A good way to judge it is check to see if they seem like they are struggling to stay in one spot, all over the tank. If you feel they are getting blown around, try different angles until you see that they are more comfotable. If it is still too much, downgrade the size of the power head. If you can see that the fish can find spots where they can stay in one spot with minimal fin movement, they can relax out of the big current.
  24. Yup! I have a yoyo loach, and 2 clown loaches in there as well! I love the clown loaches, they are so much fun to watch when they are playin around! The yoyo is kinda grumpy most of the time... lol
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