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Posts posted by nanmer

  1. At the Calgary Aquarium Society meetings, they have mini auctions. I have never lost a fish that I have bought there. Far less stress on the fish, from one tank to yours. You never know what fish or plants are for auction but the prices are far lower than you would get at a LFS. I am sure there are some members that have what you are looking for, again at far lower prices than you would pay in the LFS. You don't have to be a member to attend but If you join the club you also will get discounts at some of the good fish stores. Another bonus is great people with a wealth of knowledge.

  2. I have a really nice American blue/green delta male. He looks just like this male but without the red spot near the caudal http://golden-library.com/pet-supplies/aquarium-fish/tropical-fish/freshwater-species/live-fancy-guppies-brilliant-american-blue-green-super-delta-trio-detail. I too am kind of crappy with the camera and he is very washed out in every pic. He is with a half black blue female right now. Using one of his progeny would certainly increase the tail size of your beautiful male. I also have plans to breed him to a moscow female ... the females just have to come of age. I really wish I had a female blue/green to breed with him. I will have to do some line breeding with his babies to produce similar type.

  3. Many people, on this site, culture live food. I feed quite a bit of live food. I feed my dario grindal worms, they are larger and fill them up. They are easy to culture with a bit of soil and bread.

    I plan on starting a red worm culture for my larger fish. It is kind of fun feeding live foods, the fish go crazy!

  4. I bought my soil at Rona for about $10 a bag. It is similar to ADA soil. No real need to put sand on top other than the color is not as desirable. It kind of looks like kitty litter. I did not think a CFL would fit in my hood, but it did.

    The only down side to the scarlet badis is many of them will not take prepared food. I feed mine micro worms and grindal worms. Very cute fish!

    I have quite a few nano tanks and have some neat species. Not all have great color but they have personality plus. I really enjoy sparkling gourami and endler males. I have yet to try galaxy but they are on my list lol.

  5. I love small tanks! I used two compact florescent bulbs and I was able to grow quite a bit. I also used Schultz aquatic soil with great results. It is much less expensive than many of the other substrate on the market. I just bought some Black Chin Livebearers at the auction. They are great little fish for small tanks.

  6. I have little experience with many of your fish, but I do have a scat. Scats live in brackish water and as they grow they move to the ocean and become full saltwater fish. They are also quite aggressive and grow quite large. Many of my brackish fish hide as soon as the scat comes out his hidey hole. I have to upgrade my 100 gallon tank because the scat, and the other brackish fish, will need more room soon ( there is only 7 fish in the tank).

  7. Where did you live prior to Peru?

    There are many plant growers on this forum. The Calgary Aquarium Society is having an auction on March 12th. A great place to get fish, plants, accessories, etc. at great prices. Usually quite a selection.

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