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Posts posted by Morphine

  1. You know what Jewels, I can't even laugh about your laundry sink tank! I was at work the other day at a station where we have a huge laundry looking sink in one of the bays and I spent 5 mintues look and checking the thing out to see if it would be suitable for a tank. I definetly seen no issues what so ever I mean it's already drilled in a sense for your filtration haha.

  2. Hey,

    Everyone will give you different advice about how to raise fry this way and that, best way would be to take into account everything you have read and see what works best for you.

    I would have to agree, i've made the mistake of pressing my face up on the glass watching the little wrigglers only to find them in several different nests, and it is most likely because your scaring the parents somehow whether its Kids, Lights, other fish. The best bet is to put a timer on your lights so the fish get used to them turning on and off at the same time. Decrease movement around the tank and try to cut down the amount of time you glue your face to the glass although then might like nose smudges on the glass! Right now I have about 200 Cichlid fry swimming around my 55G still with the parents only because I don't wanna separate them and them actually grow up - What the heck am I going to do with 200+ fish haha.

    Any questions you have feel free to throw them out there, I might not be the best person to answer as I am fairly new myself but someone has the knowledge up the ticker!

    Good Luck!

  3. #3 I think would be the best option haha! I've done so much research before I jump head first into my planted tank i'm just trying to get everything clear and understood before time! I'm definetly not worried about the PH Swing or Co2 wastage. I've read alot of articles that use a Ph controller to gauge to regulate the co2 I've alos read articles that state that it's not needed.

    I guess all in all i'm just looking for a swing to get one; or not to get one, also If I do then decide to get one would a normal 20$ work.

    What articles do you recommend I know i've read some by both. Thanks alot for your input I appreciate it!

  4. Milwaukee ma 957Co2 Regulator with Bubble Counter and Solenoid Valve

    CO2 SOLENOID REGULATOR from Milwaukee. This unit includes a Bubble Counter and Electronic Solenoid for consistent automated CO2 delivery. Perfect for freshwater planted tanks and calcium reactors for reef tanks. 6 month Limited Warranty from Milwaukee Instruments.

    • Dual gauges..one for CO2 pressure and content meter
    • Solid Copper construction
    • CO2 Output line.
    • Silicone line connection
    • Needle Valve for precision adjustments
    • Solenoid
    • Light Indicator for on-off cycles
    • AC Power wire

    This is the Co2 Reg and Solenoid i'm looking at purchasing for my c02 system - I guess the question isn't so much with this regulator but the what sort of PH controller I should buy with it, Now I'm looking on Ebay and the same seller has a PH controller + this Reg together and claims they work the best together they are asking 90$ for the Regulator system but they want 190$ with teh controller! Which is super expensive and I don't really want to go that way if I don't have to but the controller it self is going for 130$ alone. Now I know that this Controller you can control your PH levels and others you can't I guess i'm just looking for someone to point me in the right direction?!

  5. Pretty much as Ray stated - The first couple times a pair spawns/breeds it's not rare that they eat or suck at being parents you need not to worry about losing your first couple spawns it's normal. y our parents will guard your fry like clock work but it's a learning expirence if these get eaten or not successful then 2weeks to a month later you'll have another batch to rinse and repeat with!!

    Good LUCK!

  6. Haha dam I just ordered the exact pump 2 weeks ago it's sitting at Shoppers Drug Mart awaiting me!! Source pointed me in that direction! Good Luck Shipped fast and quick response on questions from the guy I ordered from angels plus - only downfall no tracking number! Which doesn't really count

  7. There is so much that affects your Co2 level in you tank! Reading up and in the works of a 55G Planted tank myself. I'll share what I know / read.

    Some people use the formula - liters x 13 / 100 = number of bubbles per minute

    I'm assuming you want about 15-25 ppm? I guess to accurately figure it out you would need to figure out your PH an Kh levels and use a table. Like this ONE! http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/CO2/kh-ph-co2-chart.html - Here I am doing all your work for you! haha

    It also depends how you plan to diffuse the Co2 into your tank - Link your diffuser - Also dependant factor of surface agitation.

    I guess it's all a hit or miss story I hope this helps! Jvison would be the best to talk to about this sort of stuff. FYI<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">

  8. They have the same pump for sale at Big Al's branded under "Coralife" for $119.99

    Enough said thanks for teh quick reply, PS did you get my email a little while back I threw at you about a few tanks you had available in Calgary??

  9. Nice, Definetly I think i'm going to go with the Pump you pointed out.

    What sponge filter do you think would be best for 10-20G? What size? On the web you provided.

    Only bad thing about that pump is that it will cost you 30$ to ship it to Canada.

  10. Hey,

    I was cruising JL Aquatics and trying to set up 4-6 breeding 10-20G tanks for Angels and Cich's These tanks for fry, I'm looking into sponge filters. Reaching out again I know I want to go with sponge filters. I have found a few on eBay just awaiting a reply on reommended tank sizes. Does anyone have any info on using sponge filters and airpumps more towards an airpump strong enough to run 4 sponge filters or what sort of setup I should be looking at for this.

    Do you think a pump like this can really run 9 Sponge filters?? How would I split the tubing into 9 different places I mean anyone have the downlow on a splitter? Basically what size Airpump should I run for 4 Tanks?


    4 way split.


    Anyways what would you guys reccomment for filtration if it's not sponge filters?

  11. Woot again, I went into homedepot today and asked where they keep the egg crates and the guy looked at me like I was lost. All in all it home and cut it and placed it into the tank walk out of the room came back to watch my fish squeezing through the smal holes... Ugh.. lol

    I am using them to protect fry I'm just going to have to switch my tanks around, how I need another tank.

    Thanks again guys!

  12. Hey,

    Recently went out looking for something to divide my tank, I couldn't really find anywhere I tried walmart, rona, Ctire looking and still nothing. Anyone know where they would have something that would work preferably inexpensive.

  13. Very nice I'm trying to round up all the pieces for my 50G planted atm, Unfortunetly I won't be able to do it until I move but I look forward to your tank when it's all planted!

    Ps. Where did you get your driftwood ??

  14. ha ha looks good!!! I guess 18 months is little young to start training her to do your dirty work haha.

    As for the kids climbing things and figuring out how to get to certain places and certain things that you figure is impossible, kids never seize to amazing me at work i'm constantly wondering and scratching my head how kids have got there self into there certain situation. I've went to a few calls where kids have thought they could do what they have seen on TV ei. Flying. They are so fast and secretive if you don't keep one eye on them and on eye on whatever your doing your bound to fail haha. I guess when I have some of my own i'll be the one scratching my head wondering.

  15. I've seen a few posts regarding driftwood, just finding your own and buying it from a store. I'm looking for a I suppose medium sized piece to put in my 55g tank 18'' 18'' 40''. I've looked in petstores and it's either ugly, flat or boring. If it isn't any of those 3 it's usually sitting around 100$ Anyone know a good place with a decent selection here in the city or has a piece just sitting around they would be able to sell. I'm trying to get everything for my tank before I actually set it up.



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