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Posts posted by MarkoD

  1. it was defiantly aliens that took it. they just lifted it straight up.

    6 foot tank is perfect for holding most human specimens.

    i dont see how a human could just come in, pick it up and walk away. even if there was 3 or 4 of them, its not a grab and go kinda thing, they'd need a truck or something to get it away

  2. Here's another way to think about it: "Can I put my piano on the main floor?" How many people give that a 2nd thought? Really, if a piano can go on the main floor, why can't a tank?

    this is true, but depending on the type of stand you have, the fish tank may have a smaller footprint. (if you're using an iron stand with 4 legs)

  3. ok so i have a 75 gallon peacock/ hap/ compresscips tank that has been set up and running for 5-6 months now and looks like this


    a couple weeks ago i got another 75 gallon tank, cleaned it filled it up with aragonite, did 5 water changes to clear up the water and seeded the filters.

    so now its time for me to stock the tank,

    any idea what i should get? i was thinking either a american cichild tank or a mbuna tank.

    please please give me some input i cant decide!

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