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About Charley

  • Birthday 05/31/1979

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  • Location
    Sherwood Park
  • Interests
    Gardening, Aquatic Plants, Crafts, Cooking, Dogs

Charley's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks! I saw that when I logged back in!
  2. I checked the TNT website and they didn't have any listed, but I haven't yet contacted them about whether or not they are planning on bringing any in.
  3. Does anyone know where to find flae or Christmas moss in the Edmonton area? I have some java moss at the moment, but I'd like to add a few other types of moss to my tank as well. If it is not available in the Edmonton area, can anyone recommend a good online retailer for mosses? And should I wait until the weather warms up if I need to order it? Thanks!
  4. Have you tried searching online for plans - I've found a few places that wither had free plans or plans that you could download for a modest price (usually around $20)
  5. Thanks! None of them have disappeared, so they must be eating something!
  6. I have some Endlers (as well as a few shrimp and way too many pond snails) in a 10 gallon planted tank. I noticed yesterday that there are baby endlers in there as well! Is there anything special I should do for them? The adults get fed a crumbled flake food and get frozen brine shrimp / frozen blood worms every second or third day. Will the fry eat this as well (as long as the pieces are small enough)?
  7. I was thinking that if I use the flourite sand instead of the gravel, it will settle to the bottom (and I might even start out by layering the two different materials), so the plants will still get the benefit of the flourite, and the loaches will have the smooth gravel. If the sand gets stirred up, it will eventually settle again, so that should help keep the tank looking neat. I should also note that I was planning a low-medium light tank with no CO2, fertilizing as necessary for the plants.
  8. Hi, I'm considering setting up a 30 gallon planted tank with kuhli loaches and harlequin rasboras and I'm wondering if a mixture of Flourite Dark Sand and 3 mm pea gravel would be a suitable substrate. The gravel should be smooth enough for the loaches, and I think the Flourite will be good for the plants. Would Flourite be the best additive for the plants or is there something that would work better for the plants (and/or the loaches)? I've also considered a mixture of eco-complete and the pea gravel. Thanks, Lindsay
  9. Charley


    Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon freshwater tank with plants, snails and ghost shrimp - I'm hoping to find some red cherry shrimp to add as well. The plants are really the focus of the aquarium, if I'm honest! I'm very much a gardener on dry land, so I've just expanded that hobby to the aquarium. I'm looking into upgrading to a 30 gallon tank, so I can have some fish with the plants. However, I need to do a bit more research into substrate and lighting before I make any definate plans. I also have a 2-3 year old pit mix and I'm always trying to get him out to meet more dogs, so if anyone is interested in setting up some doggy play dates (with appropriate introduction of course), please let me know! Lindsay
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